Unit 4 lesson 6 - 8

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Kiedy on jeździ do skate parku?
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When does he go to the skate park?
Z kim on pływa?
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Who does he swim with?
Jak często chodzi do kościoła?
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How often does he go to the church?
Gdzie ona idzie w piątek?
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Where does she go on Friday?
Kiedy gra w tenisa?
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When does she play tennis?
Dziękuję bardzo
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Thank you very much.
Czy to duże czy małe?
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Is it big or small?
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tidy up
Nie mogę iść na basen.
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I can't go to the swimming pool.
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chować się
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chronić, strzec
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look for
szukać jedzenie
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look for food
stanąć w słońcu
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stand in the sun
mieć młode
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have young
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opiekować się
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look after
Poniedziałek to wspaniały dzień.
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Monday is a great day.
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Ile surykatek pilnuje tuneli?
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How many meerkats guard the tunnels?
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Co jedzą surykatki?
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What do meerkats eat?
Czy on ją lubi?
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Does he like her?
Czy ona go lubi?
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Does she like him?
ścierać tablicę
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clean the board
dostawać dobre oceny
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get good grades
dostać złe stopnie
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get bad grades
zrobić projekty
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do projects
zmienić swoje buty
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change your shoes
pisać sprawdziany
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do tests
praca w grupach
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work in groups
poprawić swoje stopnie
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improve my grades
odrabiać pracę domową
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do homework
mieć dodatkowe lekcje
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have extra classes
muszę / musi
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have to/has to
zwykle / zazwyczaj
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To nie brzmi dobrze
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That's doesn't sound good
To niesprawiedliwe
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That's no fair
Czas na konkurencję nr 3.
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It's time for competition number 3.
To jest pech.
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That's bad luck.
Ja też.
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Mee to.
Pospieszmy się!
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Let's get moving!
Mamy mało czasu.
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We're short of time.
Wszystko gotowe.
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All done.
Przepraszam, gdzie jest supermarket?
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Excuse me, where's the supermarket?

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