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término definición
opt for sth, opt to do sth
Mike opted for early retirement. Most people opt to have the operation (decide).
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to choose to do sth or to decide to do something = decydować się na coś, optować za czymś;
opt out of sth
He's decided to opt out of the company's pension scheme (withdrawn).
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abandon sth, withdraw from sth, refuse to do sth, = rezygnować, wycofac sie; to choose not to be part of an activity or to stop being involved in it
The pungent smell of vinegar permeated the air (pervade). Drug dealers have permeated every level of society (infiltrate).
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spread through/into, pervade sth; to move gradually into every part of something = przenikać /ˈpɜːmieɪt/
He chose to abscond to France (run away, escape)
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run away, escape = zbiec; to leave somewhere suddenly without permission because you want to escape, or because you have stolen something / əbˈskɒnd /
The judge adjourned the case until March 31 (postpone)
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suspend, defer, delay, postpone, put off = odraczać =; to stop a meeting, especially a legal process, for a period of time or until a later date / əˈdʒɜːn /
Allay sb's concerns/fears/suspicions (dispel). I tried to allay his fears about the interview.
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dispel sth, assuage sth, calm, alleviate, relieve = uspokajać czyjeś obawy (concerns), rozpraszać, czyjeś podejrzenia (suspicions)= to make someone feel less worried or frightened, etc / əˈleɪ /
Avert a crisis/disaster/war (Prevent). Avert your eyes/face/gaze (Turn away).
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1. Prevent, stop, ward off, avoid = uniknąć, zapobiegać (kryzysowi/katastrofie/wojnie) 2. Turn away = odwracać (wzrok/twarz) / əˈvɜːt/
How many are we catering for at the wedding reception?
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to provide and often serve food and drinks for a particular event = obsługiwać / ˈkeɪtə r /
cater for sb/sth
The club caters for children between the ages of 4 and 12.
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to provide what is wanted or needed by a particular group of people = zaspokajać potrzeby kogoś/czegoś
cater to sb
This legislation simply caters to unacceptable racist opinions.
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to give people exactly what they want, usually something that people think is wrong = wychodzić naprzeciw czyimś oczekiwaniom
comb sth
Investigators combed through the wreckage.
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1 HAIR to tidy your hair using a comb = czesać 2 SEARCH to search a place very carefully = przeczesywać / kəʊm /
commemorate sth
a ceremony to commemorate the battle
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honor, remember, memorialize; to do something to show you remember an important person or event in the past with respect = upamiętniać (commemoration (n)"a march in commemoration of the war of independence") / kəˈmeməreɪt /
commiserate with sb
We are able to commiserate with their hurts, and celebrate with their successes.
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sympathize with sb, pity for/on sb, show compassion, offer condolences, console; to express sympathy to someone who is sad or has had bad luck = współczuć / kəˈmɪz ə reɪt /
culminate in/with sth
The course culminates in a series of written exams. His career culminated with the post of ambassador to NATO. The discovery of a body culminated two days of desperate searching.
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end, conclude, finish, terminate; to finish with a particular event, or reach a final result after gradual development and often a lot of effort = kończyć się czymś, zostać uwieńczonym czymś
comply with sth
The pilot complied with instructions to descend.
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to obey an order, rule, or request = zastosować się / kəmˈplaɪ /
A recent hurricane devastated the city.
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to destroy or damage something very badly = niszczyć, pustoszyć, dewastować / ˈdevəsteɪt /
You have to ask the right questions to elicit the information you want.
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to get information or a reaction from someone = zdobyć, uzyskać / ɪˈlɪsɪt /
The machine emits a high-pitched sound when you press the button.
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to send out gas, heat, light, etc into the air = emitować, wydawać / ɪˈmɪt /
What exactly does the job entail?
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to involve, require, demand = wiązać się z, pociągać za sobą / ɪnˈteɪl /
Sunny weather exacerbates the effects of pollution
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to make something worse = zaostrzać, pogarszać / ɪgˈzæsəbeɪt /
After hours of waiting, tempers were beginning to fray.
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If your temper (= mood) frays or your nerves fray, you gradually become annoyed or upset = zawodzić, puszczać; / freɪ /
ingratiate yourself with sb
Ingratiating behaviour is done to try to make people like you. An ingratiating smile/manner
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suck up to sb, crawl to sb, grovel to sb, cozy up = przypochlebiać się ( komuś ); to try to please sb, try to make people like you / ɪnˈgreɪʃieɪt /
Bad weather could jeopardize all our plans.
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put at risk, risk, put in danger = narażać (na szwank); to put something in a situation where there is a risk of failing or being harmed / ˈdʒepədaɪz /
speak unfavorably about, having or exerting a malignant influence, evil or harmful in nature or influence
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slander, defame, smear, libel; denigrate, disparage, criticize = oczerniać, zniesławiać, rzucać cień (na kogoś);[mə`laɪn]
Marks was incarcerated for robbery.
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to put and keep someone in prison = uwięzić; / ɪnˈkɑːs ə reɪt /
I must reiterate that we have no intention of signing this contract.
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repeat, go over; to say something again = powtarzać; / riˈɪt ə reɪt /
The evidence was carefully scrutinized.
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to examine something very carefully = analizować, przyglądać się uważnie / ˈskruːtɪnaɪz /
His claims have never been substantiated.
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validate, verify, corroborate, prove = potwierdzać / səbˈstænʃieɪt /
A series of scandals have undermined people's confidence in the government.
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to make someone less confident or make something weaker = podkopywać / ˌʌndəˈmaɪn /
The government tried to assuage the public's fears.
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allay; to make unpleasant feelings less strong = uspokajać / əsweɪdʒ /
You can adjust the heat using this switch here. She adjusted her hat in the mirror. The figures need to be adjusted for inflation. They found it hard adjusting to life in a new country.
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1 CHANGE; to change something slightly so that it works better, fits better, or is more suitable = regulować, poprawiać, korygować, uwzględniać lub wprowadzać poprawki 2 BEHAVE to change the way you behave or think in order to suit a new situation = przystosowywać się, przyzwyczajać się
Share prices on the Stock Exchange fluctuated dramatically in recent weeks
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vary, alter, rise and fall; to keep changing, especially in level or amount; wahać się, fluktuować
The new report concurs with previous findings.
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to agree; pokrywać się, być zbieżnym
A witness corroborated his account of the accident.
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to say something or provide information that supports what someone says; potwierdzać
a new movie featuring Bruce Willis. The CD will feature music from all over the world.
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to include someone or something as an important part; mieć w obsadzie, prezentować, zawierać
deduct. To take away from a total
The company will deduct tax from your earnings. Marks are deducted for spelling mistakes.
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potrącać, odliczać, odejmować
Firma odliczy podatek od twoich zarobków. Za błędy ortograficzne będą odejmowane punkty.
People had little incentive to save. The government should provide incentives for young people to stay in school.
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zachęta, bodziec

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