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Prosze chwile poczekac
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Please wait a moment
Prosze zaczekac, minutke
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Please wait a minute
Lacze z nim
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The feed him
Lacze ciebie
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The feed you
Czy mógłbyś powtórzyć?
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Could you repeat that?
Czy moglbys przeliterowac
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Could you spell
Czy moglbys mowic troche wolniej
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Could you speak a little more slowly
Prosze powtorzyc
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Please repeat
Czy mozesz oddzwonic
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Can you call back
I can hardly hear you
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I can hardly hear you
Prosze zaczekac minute na lini
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Please garlicy minute on line
Mam inny, drugi telefon
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I have another, a second phone
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Nie ma go w tym momencie
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He is not at this time
Moge wiedziec kto dzwoni?
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I know who's calling?
Czy moge przyjac wiadomosc?
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Can I take a message?
Czy chcialbys zostawic wiadomosc?
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Do you would like to leave a message?
Powiem Mr... ze dzwoniles
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I will say that you called Mr...
Obawiam ze ze wyszedl
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I'm afraid of the came out
Jest na lanczu w tym momencie
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It is at lunch at the moment
Kto dzwoni?
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Who's calling?
Czy mozesz pozniej
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Can you later
przekaze wiadomość
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will transmit a message
whot is the message please?
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whot is the message please?
Czy ma twoj numer telefonu?
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Do you have your phone number?
Czy mozesz oddzwonic tak szybko jak to mozliwe
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Can you call back as soon as possible
Dzwonie w imieniu pana
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I'm calling on behalf of Mr
Can I leave a message?
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Can I leave a message?
No that's okay.
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Well that's okay.
Oddzwonie pozniej
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'll Call you back later
Czy miasz cos do pisania
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Is the edible part, something to write
Nie jestem pewna czy ma moj numer
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I'm not sure whether my number
Kiedy prawdopodobnie wroci
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When I probably will come back
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Czy moge powtorzyc, chcialabym sie upewnic
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Can I repeat, I would like to August make sure
Powiedziales ze...
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You said the...
Powiedziales ze twoje nazwisko to
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You said it with your name
ok wszystko zapisalam wiadomosc odebralam i zapisalam
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ok I wrote down everything I picked up, and wrote a message
Prawdopodobnie wroci o
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Probably coming back on
porozmawiamy wkrotce
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we'll talk soon!
dziekuje za telefon
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thank you for your phone
Porozmaeiamy pozniej
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Porozmaeiamy later
Dziekuje za pomoc
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Thank you for your help
Moje tlumaczenie
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John, tell me, you're already an office manager in a medium-sized finance company, why do you want to come and work here? Well, I don't know how much, you know, but the company have been having some problems. Quite a few staff have been laid off, actually

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