reported verbs - ing

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boast about doing something
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chwalić się
insist on somebody doing sth
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accuse sb of doing sth
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apologise to sb for doing sth
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admit doing sth
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confess to doing sth
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przyznawać się
object to sb doing sth
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sprzeciwiać się
complain about
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skarżyć się
deny doing sth
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He accused her of stealing the money.
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Oskarzyl ja o kradziez pieniedzy
She admitted that she had forgotten about that. / She admitted forgetting about that.
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Przyznala, ze zapomniala o tym.
He apologised for not calling me.
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Przeprosil, ze do mnie nie dzwoni.
She blamed him for missing the train.
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Obwinila mnie, ze spoznili sie na pociag.
She congratulated me on passing the exam.
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Pogratulowala mu zdania egzaminu.
He denied breaking my car.
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Zaprzeczyl, ze zepsul moj samochod.
She insisted on me having a rest. / She insisted that I (should) have a rest.
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Nalegal, ze musze odpoczac.
She praised me for doing a good job.
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Pochwalila mnie za dobra robote.
He suggested going to a cinema.
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Zaproponowala, aby pojsc do kina

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