Paula 5th July (40 min)

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Jestem tutaj.
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I'm here.
Czekam przed twoim domem.
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I'm waiting in front of your house.
Spotkajmy się przed supermarketem.
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Let's meet up in front of the supermarket.
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THE worst.
Wczoraj strasznie bolało mnie gardło.
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Yesterday I had a really bad sore throat.
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I'm on antibiotics.
lekka gorączka
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a slight fever
She had a slight fever.
Jestem bez dzieci.
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I'm child-free.
Czas był naprawdę zły.
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The timing was really bad.
The timing of the meeting is not convenient.
dwa miesiące
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It took me two months to read this book.
Zaprosił mnie na swoje urodziny.
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He invited me to his birthday party.
15 km
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15 km
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to buy - bought - bought
odnowić coś
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to renovate sth
Jego rodzice są z Polski.
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His parents are from Poland.
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Czy to znaczy, że on też mieszkał w Kanadzie?
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Does it mean that he used to live in Canada too?
Mieszkałem w Wilnie.
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I used to live in Vilnius.
On urodził się w Kanadzie.
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He WAS born in Canada.
Mówi z miłym akcentem.
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He speaks with a nice accent.
Nie jestem jeszcze gotowy.
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I'm not ready yet.
On podrywał mnie.
He was hitting on me.
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He chatted me up.
She went straight over and tried to chat him up.
On ma 38 lat.
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He's 38.
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a businessman
to jest obiecujące
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that's promising
czas pokaże
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time will tell
Wraca dziś wieczorem do Warszawy.
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He's coming back to Warsaw tonight.
Kiedy wracasz?
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When are you coming back?
w centrum
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in the centre
niedaleko Nowego Światu
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nearby Nowy Świat
Mieszkam niedaleko dużego supermarketu.
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I live nearby a big supermarket.
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szef kuchni
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a chef

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