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- Prosze przygotowac sie do kontroli celnej
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Please get ready for customs control.
- Tu sa moje dokumenty
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Here are my documents.
- Prosze otworzyc baga znik
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Please open the boot.
- Prosze otworzyc walizke
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Please open your suitcase.
- Nie mam nic do oclenia
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I have nothing to declare.
- To sa prezenty dla rodziny
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These are gifts for my family.
- To sa moje rzeczy osobiste
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These are my private things.
- Mam dwie butelki wódki
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I have two bottles of vodka.
- Tego nie wolno przewozic
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You can’t bring it into this country.
- Czy musze za to płacic cło?
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Do I have to pay customs duty for this?
- Za to trzeba zapłacic cło
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You have to pay customs duty for this.
- Ile to wynosi?
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How much is it?
- Cło wynosi...
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Your customs duty amounts to...
- Ile ma pan papierosów?
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How many cigarettes do you have?
- Ile moge przewiezc bez cła?
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How many can I bring in duty-free?
- Czy to jest dozwolone?
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Is it allowed?

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