lesson 3

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término definición
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prowodyr, przywódca (np. gangu nakłanisjacy do czegoś złego, nielegalnego)
The ringleaders of the plot were arrested and punished.
either way
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tak czy inaczej, tak czy owak
Either way, he wins.
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drań, sukinsyn, skurwysyn, łajdak, bękart, nieślubny (o dziecku)
Get out of here, you bastard!
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1. łączyć, mieszać 2. kombajn
This genre combines elements of horror and comedy.
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1. kuć, wkuwać 2. wpychać, wciskać, wypełniać, wciskać
I had to cram for a test.
play truant/hooky
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wagarować, chodzić na wagary
"Tom", on powiedział, "chodźmy dzisiaj na wagary".
"Tom," he said, "let's play hooky today."
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zupełnie, gruntownie, całkowicie, dokładnie
I feel thoroughly exhausted.
lash out at somebody
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zaatakować kogoś, naskoczyć na kogoś, wyżywać się na kimś
I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit me in the face.
at this point
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w tym momencie, w tej chwili, w tym miejscu, na tym etapie
I can't help you at this point, I have my own life and my own problems.
reconcile/reconcile oneself to sth/ be reconciled with sb
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pogodzić (np. dwie kwestie), pojednać/ pogodzić się z czymś/pogodzić się z kimś
I still try to reconcile my allergy with having a dog. It's hard to reconcile myself with the loss of my friend.
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zgoda, pojednanie, pogodzenie
There will never be a reconciliation between us.
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The cat licked the drops of milk off the floor.
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Do you have a moose in your zoo?
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szloch, szlochać
I found her sobbing in the attic.
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1. strawić, trawić, pojąć, przyswajać 2. skrót, streszczenie
It took some time before I digested the news.
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I am completely unhinged.
unhinge sth/sb
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zdjąć z zaeiasów/ wytrącić z równowagi
The threats of the modern world have unhinged us. I think we need to unhinge the door if we're ever going to get this bookcase inside.
cut someone some slack
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dać komuś spokój, dać komuś trochę luzu,
Cut him a little slack, his father just died.
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upokorzenie, poniżenie, obelga, zniewaga
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wybuch (gniewu, płaczu itp)
I wanted to apologize for my outburst yesterday.
pull rank on sb
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to use your authority over someone to make them do what you want, especially unfairly
He doesn't have the authorityto pull rank on me.
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rozpadlina, przepaść, szczelina, otchłań
Be careful, there is a chasm in the ground.
I don't give a shit
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mam to w dupie, gówno mnie to obchodzi
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otchłań, przepaść, czeluść
The country is sinking into an abyss of violence and bloodshed.
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dobrobyt, dobro, dobrostan, zasiłek, szczęście, opieka społeczna
I had to go on welfare after divorce.
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oszałamiać, odurzyć, zamroczyć, oszołomienie
We were dazed by the beauty of that place.

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