JP2, 26.04.2016

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Sorry to keep you waiting.
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Sorry, ze musiales czekac.
Nice to finally meet you face to face.
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Milo cie wreszcie poznac osobiscie.
The same for us/me.
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Dla mnie też.
It's very kind of you.
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To bardzo milo z twojej strony.
as usual
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jak zwykle
Is this your first time in Poland?
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Jestes w Polsce po raz pierwszy?
We'll be in touch.
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Bedziemy w kontakcie.
If you'd like to take a seat...
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Gdybys zechcial tu usiasc...
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I have an appointment
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mam umówione spotkanie
to sign
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pass inglés
She will be right here.
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Ona tu zaraz zejdzie.
I will be right back.
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Zaraz wrócę.
to charge the battery
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ładować baterie
How much do you charge?
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Jaką opłatę pobieracie.
to be in charge of
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kierować czymś
at last
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I won at last.
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Wreszcie wygrałem.
at least
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I need at least 2 days for this.
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Potrzebuje co najmniej 2 dni na to.
pay rise
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