FW 04.11.2015

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begin began begun
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New semester began in September.
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Nowy semester zaczal sie we wrzesniu.
break broke broken
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złamać, zepsuć (się)
I broke my hand on holiday.
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Złamałem rękę na wakacjach.
My TV has broken (down).
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Telewizor mi sie wlasnie zepsul.
build built built
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John built a house.
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John wybudował dom.
burn burnt burnt / burned
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spalić, spłonąć
catch caught caught
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John caught a fish.
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John złapał rybę.
Wow, John has caught a fish!
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Wow, John złapał rybę!
choose chose chosen
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I haven’t chosen my studies yet.
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Nie wybralem jeszcze studiow.
I haven’t thought about this yet.
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Nie myslalem jeszcze o tym.
cost cost cost
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cut cut cut
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I’ve cut my finger!
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Przeciąłem palec!
dig dug dug
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draw drew drawn
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I drew a picture.
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Narysowałem obrazek.
dream dreamt dreamt
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śnić, marzyć
John dreamt about Sam last night.
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John śnił o Sam zeszłej nocy.
drink drank drunk
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I drank 5 Burns yesterday.
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wypiłem 5 Burnów wczoraj.
I have drunk 3 coffees so far.
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Wypiłem 3 kawy jak na razie.
drive drove driven
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prowadzić samochód
I didn’t drink because I drove.
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Nie piłem, bo prowadziłem.
Have you ever drunk and driven?
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Czy ty kiedykolwiek piłeś i jechałeś?
eat ate eaten
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Have you eaten breakfast yet?
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Jadłeś już śniadanie?
Yes, I ate breakfast at 8.
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Tak, zjadłem śniadanie o ósmej.
fall fell fallen
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fall in love
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fall in love inglés
zakochać się
I fell in love.
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Zakochałem się.
John has fallen in love with Mary.
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John zakochał się w Mary (dosł. z Mary)

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