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término definición
co robisz?
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what do you do?
Bardzo to doceniam
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i really appreciate it
co myślisz?
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what dob you think?
co myślisz?
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what do tou thinking?
przepraszam (grzecznościowe, np. przy pytaniu o godzinę)
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excuse me
jak to brzmi?
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how does that sound?
to brzmi świetnie
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that sounds great
nie rozumiem
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i do not understand
czy mógłbyś to powtórzyć?
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could you repeat that please?
czy mógłbyś mówić wolniej?
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could you please talk slower
jak to przeliterujesz?
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how do you spell that?
co masz na myśli?
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what do you mean?
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i am looking for
gdzie mogę to znaleźć
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where can i find it
jak mogę ci pomóc?
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how can i help you?
będę z tobą za chwilę
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i will be with you in a moment

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