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I see you there.
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Widzę cię tam.
He sees me.
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On mnie widzi.
I see him.
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Widzę go.
I see her.
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Widzę ją.
I see it.
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Widzę to. (zwięrzęta i rzeczy)
They see us.
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Widzą nas.
We see them.
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Widzimy ich.
I see my mother.
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Widzę moją matkę.
I see his daughter.
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Widzę jego córkę.
I see your husband.
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Widzę twojego męża.
I see her aunt.
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Widzę jej ciotkę.
I see our uncle.
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Widzę naszego wujka.
I see their mother - in - law
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Widzę ich teściową
Give me.
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Daj mi.
Give him.
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Daj mu.
Give us.
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Daj nam.
Give them.
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Daj im.
Go with them.
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Idź z nimi.
Come with him.
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Chodź z nim.
Come to us.
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Przyjdź do nas.
Play with them.
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Baw się z nimi.
Don't play with him.
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Nie baw się z nim.
Don't play with them.
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Nie baw się nimi.
Tell him.
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Powiedz mu.
Tell us.
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Powiedz nam.
Don't tell them.
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Nie mów im.
Don't tell me what to do.
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Nie mów mi, co mam robić.
Tell him what to do.
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Powiedz mu, co ma robić.
Look at me.
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Popatrz na mnie.
Don't look at him.
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Nie patrz na niego.
Don't look at them.
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Nie patrz na nich.
This is his house.
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To jest jego dom.
He loves his mother.
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On kocha swoją matkę.
She loves her husband.
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Kocha swojego męża.
She doesn't like her new car.
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Nie lubi swojego nowego samochodu.
They don't like their teacher.
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Nie lubią swojego nauczyciela.
I promised him.
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Obiecałem mu.
You promised me.
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Obiecałeś mi.
I promised them.
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Obiecałem im.
I promised her.
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Obiecałem jej.

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