Vending machine

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término definición
domowy posiłek
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a homemade meal
automat sprzedający (na monety, do sprzedaży drobnych towarów, np. napojów)
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a vending machine
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przymiotniki pochodzące od nazw krajów piszemy wielką literą
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pole ryżowe
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a rice paddy / a rice field
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a beverage
Nie sprzedajemy napoi alkoholowych.
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We do not sell alcoholic beverages. (NiV)
prowadzić interes
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to run a business
I've been running my vending machine business for about 40 years.
Ona prowadzić swoj interes od 1990.
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She has been running her business since 1990.
FOR + number of years / SINCE + a year
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I rarely get up at 6. (NiV)
Ludzie przyjeżdżają zewsząd.
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People come from all over.
skala temperatury w stopniach Fahrenheita
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(degrees) Fahrenheit
Shall I give you the temperature in Celsius or in Fahrenheit? (NiV)
water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F
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to harden
ostatecznie, w końcu, koniec końców
Eventually nie znaczy ewentualnie!
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The rice will eventually harden.
ponownie wypełniać
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to refill
I refill it twice a day with fresh rice.
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a farmer
to miało sens
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it made sense (to use my own rice)
namaczać coś / moczyć coś
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to soak sth
I soak rice for 15 minutes.
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a container
... and then I pack it in containers.
Cały proces zajmuje godzinę.
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The whole process takes an hour.
kierowca ciężarówki
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a truck driver
zabierać (coś) do domu
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to take home
do not sat: take to home
Jestem z tego dumny.
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I feel proud of that. / I'm proud of that.
Będę kontynuować.
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I will continue (to do it).

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