Pregnancy Painter

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término definición
malować (farbami)
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to paint
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a body
nie ma znaczenia / nieważne
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it doesn't matter
nieważne czy...
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it doesn't matter whether ... or...
It doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman. (NiV)
It doesn't matter whether you're young or old.
być w ciąży
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to be pregnant
do not say: to be in pregnant
Jestem w ciąży.
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I'm pregnant.
do not say: I'm in pregnant.
Ona jest w ciąży.
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She is pregnant. / She's pregnant.
Czy twoja siostra jest w ciązy?
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Is your sister pregnant?
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a woman
do not say: womans
kobieta w ciąży
kobiety w ciąży
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a pregnant woman
pregnant women
Moja pierwsza ciąża była bardzo łatwa.
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My first pregnancy was very easy. (NiV)
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a belly
He fell asleep with a full belly and a happy heart. (NiV)
taniec brzucha
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a belly dance (NiV)
świętować coś
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to celebrate sth
Let's celebrate your birthday in Paris. (NiV)
On miał dobry powód do świętowania.
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He had a good reason to celebrate. (NiV)
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Specjalizuję się w...
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I specialise in + verb-ING.
The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates. (NiV)
I specialise in belly painting.
Ta restauracja specjalizuje się w owocach morza.
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This restaurant specialises in seafood. (NiV)
być w stanie coś zrobić
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to be able to do sth
I'm able to do it for you. (NiV)
Czy będziesz w stanie przyjść?
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Will you be able to come? (NiV)
tworzyć coś
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to create sth
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I'm able to create my art on their bodies.
śmiać się
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to laught
Nie mogę przestać się śmiać.
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I can't stop laughing.
stop +verb-ING
Przestań się śmiać.
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Stop laughing.
Przestać się ze mnie śmiać.
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Stop laughing at me.
do not say: laugh from me
Pójdę tylko do toalety.
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a toilet / a loo
I'll just go to the loo.
Ona poszła do toalety.
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She went to the loo.
Przepraszam, gdzie jest toaleta?
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Excuse me, where's the toilet? / Excuse me, where is the loo?
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a whale
Czuję się jak wieloryb.
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I feel like a whale.
wada / niedoskonałość
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a flaw
This report is full of flaws. (NiV)
Dziecko się rusza (teraz).
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The baby is moving.
Dziecko się ruszało.
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The baby was moving.
szczoteczka do zębów
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a brush
a toothbrush (NiV)
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Her words had a magical effect on us. (NiV)
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an experience
it was a transformational experience
skupiać się na czymś / kimś
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to concenrate on sth/sb
to focus on sth/sb
czas, żeby coś zrobić
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it's time to do sth
It's time to sell this old car.
It's time to go home. (NiV)
stworzyć nowe życie
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to create a new life
nosić coś
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to carry sth (e.g. a baby inside your body)
Would you like me to carry your bag for you? (NiV)

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