Paula 1st June (50 min)

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Mam chrypę.
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I have a frog in my throat.
bez żadnego przygotowania
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without any preparation
przygotować się na coś
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to get ready FOR sth
I'm getting ready for the party.
ruszyć w drogę
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to hit the road
Wyjechanie z Warszawy zajęło nam około 2 godziny.
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It took us around 2 hours to leave Warsaw.
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a report
być zajętą robieniem czegoś
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to be busy doing sth
urządzenie / przyrząd
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a device
a device to measure blood pressure
O której przyjechałaś do Wiżajn?
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What time did you arrive in Wiżajny?
Kiedy przyjedziesz do Warsaw?
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When are you coming to Warsaw?
Kiedy jedziesz do Wilna?
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When are you going to Vilnius?
Nie miałam szczęścia. / Miałam pecha.
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I was unlucky.
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a debt collector
Mam trzydzieści kilka lat.
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I'm IN my (early, mid, late) thirties.
Moja mama wyszła za mąż, gdy miała 21 lat.
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My mum got married when she was 21.
Miałam 22 lata, gdy umarł mój tata.
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I was 22 when my dad passed away.
umrzeć na raka
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to die of cancer
He died of cancer last month.
Rozmawiałam z właścicielem autobusu.
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I spoke to the owner of the bus
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fuel / petrol
najlepszy moment imprezy
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the highlight of the party
pojechać na rowerze
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to go by bicycle
I go to work by bicycle.
On kiedyś jeździł do pracy na rowerze.
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He used to go to work by bike.
On jeździ do pracy na rowerze.
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He goES to work by car.

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