Marcin 7th June (45 min)

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czuj się jak u siebie w domu
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make yourself at home
do NOT say: make yourself LIKE at home
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have a seat
chciałabyś kawę?
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Would you like SOME coffee?
Proszę przodem., Pani przodem., Pan przodem
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After you.
W czym mogę pomóc?
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How can I help?
Gdzie jest toaleta?
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Where's the toilet, please?
jeszcze nie
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not just yet / not yet
za kilka godzin
Spotkajmy się za kilka godzin.
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in A few hours
Let's meet in a few hours.
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to avoid sth / sb
Dlaczego mnie unikasz?
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Why are you avoiding me?
w tle
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in the background
lekcja próbna
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a trial class
trzymam kciuki za twoją prezentację
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fingers crossed for your presentation
skupić się na czymś
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to focus ON sth
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On jest taki wścibski.
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He's so nosey.
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a sailboat
pojechać na żagle
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to go sailing
Let's go sailing this weekend, shall we?
Czy miałaś dobry weekend?
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Did you have a good weekend?
ślub/ wesele
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a wedding
I'm going to a wedding this weekend.
Świetnie się bawiłem.
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I had a blast. / I had FUN.
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a hangover
She woke up with a terrible hangover.
Pojedźmy na wieś.
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Let's go to the countryside.
Ceny paliwa poszły w górę.
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The petrol prices went up.
Postaraj się być cierpliwy.
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Try to be patient.
Czy słyszysz mnie?
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Can you hear me?
hear - heard - heard
Podobało mi się. / Dobrze się bawiłem.
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I enjoyed it.
nie rozmawiałem z moją zoną o tym.
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I didn't speak TO my wife ABOUT it.
no weź;D
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come on
Przedyskutujmy to.
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Let's discuss it.
Porozmawiajmy o tym.
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Let's talk about it.
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an invention
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Your speach was mind-blowing.
chwalić się czymś
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to boast about sth
zmywać naczynia
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to do THE dishes / to wash THE dishes
Pozmywam naczynia.
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I'll do the dishes.
Twoja kolej, żeby pozmywać naczynia.
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It's your turn to do the dishes.

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