Kasia 1st Sept (45 min)

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Nie ma sprawy.
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No problem at all.
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Zbieram informacje. / Robię research.
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I'm doing (some) research.
I'm doing research on IVF.
To może zwiększyć moje szanse na zajście w ciążę.
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It might increase my chances OF getting pregnant.
She only has a slim chance of passing the exam.
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to qualify for sth
This training course will qualify you for a better job.
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It's a very reliable source of information.
niewiarygodny świadek
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an unreliable witness
He's totally unreliable as a source of information.
druga ekspertyza
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a second opinion
I'd like a second opinion before I make a decision.
to get a second opinion
metodą prób i błędów
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by trial and error
She feels that raising her children has been a matter of trial and error.
Many medical discoveries were made by trial and error.
przedporodowy / prenatalny
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odnieść sukces
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to succeed
If you work hard, you'll succeed.
to be successful
Zobaczymy jak wyjdzie. / Nie umawiajmy się konkretnie.
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Let's play it by ear.

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