Fausta 8th March

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Zacznijmy, dobrze?
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Let's get started, shall we?
Ty jesteś Fausta, prawda?
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You are Fausta, aren't you?
Masz 12 lat, prawda?
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You are 12, aren't you?
Nie masz 10 lat, prawda?
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You aren't 10, are you?
Ona jest naprawdę chora, prawda?
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She is really sick, isn't she?
Oni nie są razem szczęśliwi, prawda?
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They aren't happy together, are they?
Jestem mądry, prawda?
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I'm smart, aren't I?
I'm still young, aren't I?
Mieszkasz w Eisikes, prawda?
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You live in Eisiskes, don't you?
Nie mówisz po chińsku, prawda?
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You don't speak Chinese, do you?
Ona pracuje w Wilnie, prawda?
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She works in Vilnius, doesn't she?
Lubisz pizzę, prawda?
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You like pizza, don't you?
Wczoraj zjadłem dwa kawałki pizzy, prawda?
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Yesterday I ate two sliceS of pizza, didn't I?
to bułka z masłem / to jest bardzo łatwe
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it's a piece of cake
trzy kawałki ciasta
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three pieces of cake
plasterek sera
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a slice of cheese
Codziennie je trzy plasterki sera na śniadanie codziennie.
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She eats three slices of cheese for breakfast every day.
My często chodzimy na siłownię, prawda?
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We often go to the gym, don't we?
W zeszłym roku pojechałeś na wakacje do Hiszpanii, prawda?
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You went on holiday to Spain last year, didn't you?
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the USA
Wielka Brytania
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the UK
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the Netherlands
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Ona mówi po hiszpańsku, prawda?
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She speaks Spanish, doesn't she?
Kupiłeś nowy samochód, prawda?
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You bought a new a car, didn't you?
Twoja mama nie zrobiła wczoraj pizzy, prawda?
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Your mum didn't make pizza yesterday, did she?
Czytasz książkę, prawda?
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You are reading a book, aren't you?
Ona nie ogląda telewizji, prawda?
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She isn't watching tv, is she?
Ty czytałeś książkę, prawda?
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You were reading a book, weren't you?
Ona nie oglądała telewizji, prawda?
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She wasn't watching tv, was she?
To jest łatwe, prawda?
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It is easy, isn't it?
To nie jest trudne, prawda?
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It's not difficult, is it?
Chciałbym przeprowadzić się do USA.
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I'd like to move to the USA / the States.

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