el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

pracownik inglés:

1. employee employee

Every employee is supposed to keep his own vehicle in perfect condition.
He dismissed the employee.
An employee is a person who works for somebody.
If you are a potential employee then you should be aware of what the company stands for and how it treats its employees before attending an interview.
And that's why for almost a hundred years, any employee has been able to go to his employer and insist on being paid in cash.
He came upon his employee who'd been looking after the place in his absence.
The small thug beat up the convenience store employee.
Bankruptcy is to the employer what dismissal is to the employee.
On June 18 at the Niigata city aquarium, 7000 fish died because of a mistake by an employee.
That company aims to reduce employee numbers by arranging a lot of retirement money for voluntary redundancies.
She has a successful business and she pays her employees well.
However, some EU citizens still need a work permit to become an employee in certain EU countries.
Most large government agencies employ occupational health specialists to protect agency employees.
As a former railway employee, I have experienced the changes myself.
We can save on translations by giving it to an employee whose mother speaks that language. -- And I suppose you save on the cost of a doctor by seeing someone whose mother had been a doctor?

Inglés palabrapracownik"(employee) ocurre en conjuntos:

AM_Business podstawowy - unit 1 i unit 2
focus 2 unit 7.4 , 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8
Words liable to be cofused - słowa pomieszane
New Exam Connections Unit 5-work/jobs
4. Unit 1 Nouns Perspective 3 Level B2

2. worker worker

Office workers spend too long sitting at their desks
I'm a government worker.
There was an attack on a worker last night.
Factory workers started to revolt.
He is a super-hard worker, so I'm sure he'll make good at his new business.
Wages vary in relation to the age of the worker.
The workers occupied the factory during the strike.
Employees threatened a strike to protect worker benefits.
I'd rather get the sack than not join the labour union, said the disgruntled worker.
We're in a slump, barely scraping by, so we certainly don't have the margin to take on a part-time worker.
It is the obligation of every worker to pay taxes.
The social worker was asked to follow up the information about the Stevenson family.
This is so enduring as to make even the most diligent worker give up.
Ergonomists consider the design of industrial, office, and other equipment to maximize workers' comfort, safety, and productivity
Please don't get mad, sir! I'm a new worker!

Inglés palabrapracownik"(worker) ocurre en conjuntos:

What if we have to work until we're 100?
słówka 132, Brainy 6, unit 1, part 3
What does an Occupational Health Specialist do?
Zwroty „opis obrazka” zawsze ING!!!
Work – Basic Polish Vocabulary

3. member of staff member of staff

Inglés palabrapracownik"(member of staff) ocurre en conjuntos:

Dział I - słownictwo
people work - pracownicy
Moja pierwsza lekcja
dział 1- klasa 2

4. lawyer lawyer

Who is your lawyer?
Because of his great professional skill, the lawyer has a large number of clients.
A good lawyer would leave no stone unturned in his efforts to defend his client.
A good lawyer will always zero in on a key piece of evidence.
I never imagined that my skills as a lawyer would be used to defend Tom.
The defense lawyer was confident that he would be able to answer the prosecutor's arguments in his rebuttal.
In the religious-cult trial, the ambitious lawyer will represent the cult leader.
What a waste of your lawyer qualifications!
It is important that a lawyer should leave no stone unturned even on minor points and harp on the same subject to achieve a break through in an impasse.
Defend and prosecute people. They work in a law court and in a lawyers office.
We've hired a very good lawyer, we've got to win this case!
You should ask your lawyer for advice; she’ll tell you what the law says about your problem.
Soon after she became a lawyer, she wouldn't even give her old friends the time of day.
Laxmidas hoped that Mohandas was going to earn lots of money as lawyer, but it was not easy
Drake earns his living by working for the lawyer.

Inglés palabrapracownik"(lawyer) ocurre en conjuntos:

unit 4 praca

5. staff member staff member

Inglés palabrapracownik"(staff member) ocurre en conjuntos:

LESSON 14.12.2017
unit 2 people

6. travel agent

I phoned the travel agent and asked her to make a reservation for us.
Contact a travel agent about times and costs.
A good travel agent will find you the best rooms at the best prices in the area where you want to go.
She's a travel agent.
I always dreamed of being a travel agent. I thought I will travel around the world and not sitting in the office.

Inglés palabrapracownik"(travel agent) ocurre en conjuntos:

angol chyba 4

7. mover

So far, movers seem to have better jobs and health care. It is full of movers these days.
I hired a mover to help us relocate to our new home.

Inglés palabrapracownik"(mover) ocurre en conjuntos:

miejsca zamieszkania
miejsce zuzls

8. labourer

Unskilled labourers were paid very low wages.
You might even make me into one of your labourers.

9. workmen

These workmen, whom the government pays for, are dealing with death in coal mines.
These workmen are constructing a road.

10. attendant

I work as a museum attendant.
My sister got a job with an airline company and became a flight attendant.
A flight attendant walks up to the boys.
The attendant is good at flattery.
I didn't know which to take. I looked for a station attendant but didn't find one.
My mother was a Japanese National Railways station attendant from 1971 until 1987.
A trained birth attendant assisted the woman in delivering the quadruplets.
fly attendant
a mosaic of the Empress Theodora with her attendants
The swimming pool attendant was very helpful. He looked afrer my children when I was looking for my bag
Please make sure your attendant is with you at all times.
The attendant at the door asked to see our invitation cards.
unemployment and all its attendant social problems
attendant Prime Minister
Do your parents agree to your becoming a flight attendant?

11. builder

I'm going to work as a builder with my father.
We asked a builder to build a new garage for us.
A builder builds houses.
Carl is a builder and he works very hard.
He is the best builder.
We don't employ builders.
Mr Brown contracted with the builder for a new house.
You should have your house built by a trustworthy builder.
He has carried on his business as a builder for many years.

Inglés palabrapracownik"(builder) ocurre en conjuntos:

Just the job 6.1