8th June Wed (group A)

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término definición
ślub / wesele
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a wedding
zwyczaj / nawyk
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a habit
Myję zęby dwa razy dziennie.
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I clean my teeth twice a day. / I brush my teeth twice a day.
Uczę się angielskiego teraz.
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I'm learning English now.
W zeszłym tygodniu poszłam na wesele.
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Last week I WENT to a wedding.
raz w tygodniu
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once a week
raz w miesiącu
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once a month
raz w roku
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once a year
dwa razy w tygodniu
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twice a week
dwa razy w miesiącu
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twice a week
dwa razy w roku
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twice a year
trzy razy dziennie
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three times a day
cztery razy w miesiącu
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four times a month
pięć razy w roku
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five times a year
Raz w tygodniu chodzę do kina.
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Once a week I go to the cinema.
Idę do kina teraz.
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I'm going to the cinema now.
Poszłam do kina wczoraj.
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I went to the cinema yesterday.
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a rabbit
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Ten samochód jest bardzo drogi.
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This car is very expensive.
prowadzić samochód
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to drive
Jeżdże samochodem do pracy codziennie.
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I drive to work every day.
Jestem w pracy.
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I'm AT work.
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Czy palisz?
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Do you smoke?
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To jest ich samochód.
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It's THEIR car.
Ich samochód jest tam.
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THEIR car is over THERE.
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to eat - ate - eaten
Wczoraj zjadłam osiem jabłek.
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Yesterday I ATE eight apples.
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a father-in-law
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a mother-in-law
Wczoraj spędziłam dużo czasu z moim synem.
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Yesterday I spent a lot of time with my son.
Twój długopis jest na stole.
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Your pen in ON the table.
wyprowadzać psa
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to walk a dog
Wyprowadzam mojego psa codziennie.
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I walk my dog every day.
Ona wyprowadza swojego psa trzy razy dziennie.
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She walkS her dog three times a day.
Pospiesz się.
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Hurry up.
Nie ma pośpiechu.
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Take your time.
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Really? / For real?
Jestem rozczarowana.
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I'm disappointed.
uprawiać sex
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to have sex / to make love
Uprawiam sex trzy razy w tygodniu.
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I have sex three times a week.
Ona uprawia sex raz w tygodniu.
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She HAS sex once a week.
Uprawiam miłość dwa razy w miesiącu.
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I make love twice a month.
Ona uprawia miłość raz w roku.
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She MAKES love once a year.
nawzajem, tobie również
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you too
Co mam zrobić?
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What should I do?

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