zwroty 1132-1145

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O to właśnie chodzi.
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That's the point.
Wydaje się, że
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There seems to be
Jaka szkoda!
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What a pity!
Co za marnotrastwo!
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What a waste!
Co u licha?
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What on earth?
Jaki masz rozmiar (ubrania)?
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What size are you?
Co w tym śmiesznego?
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What's so funny?
Czyja kolej?
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Whose turn is it?
Tu masz racje
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You have a point there
Chyba żartujesz!
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You mast be joking!
Czy zjesz z nami lunch?
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Will you join as for lunch?
Zaraz wracam.
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I will be right back.
To się na nic nie zda.
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It won't help.
To nie zaszkodzi.
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It won't hurt.

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