US States abbreviations

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When did the abbreviations for states appear?

Back in 1831, the Table of Post Offices in the United States was created in order to help people send their mail to the right address and receive it if it wasn't delivered. People really enjoyed to use the 50 states abbreviations instead of writing the long names of the states, that is why the table of the 50 states abbreviations was useful. Publication 59 introduced the new 50 states abbreviations that became shorter. Only two of the overseas territories have their own abbreviations: Guam and Puerto Rico.

US state abbreviations

The United States Postal Service has standardized the 50 states abbreviations in order for the parcels to arrive at the right destination. The abbreviations for states are also used to represent the states of the US in case of data processing and in other purposes. The 50 states abbreviations contain only two capital letters. This 50 states abbreviations lesson will be useful for those who send parcels or letters, who do business or for students. The state abbreviations list is complete and includes all 50 states. The list of 50 states abbreviations will be easy to remember with the help of our flashcards. Here are some examples from the 50 states abbreviations included in this lesson:
  • 1. AZ - Arizona
  • 2. CA - California
  • 3. FL - Florida
  • 4. HI- Hawaii
  • 5. IN - Indiana

State abbreviations list

Learn all the 50 states abbreviations with this lesson! If you were curious what is the Missouri abbreviation and how to differentiate it from the Minnesota abbreviation - you will learn them now! The lesson includes the Indiana abbreviation and the Michigan abbreviation. Want to send a letter to Massachusetts? Then you'll need to know the Massachusetts abbreviation. You can learn all that with the help of our flashcards! If you want to know other things besides the 50 states abbreviations, we have many interesting lessons prepared for you! Just explore our site! If you are interested in the US history, test your knowledge with the Major dates in the history of the US lesson.

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