Translation theory

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término English definición English
First piece of translated text what language?
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Greek to Latin
First piece of translated text what was it?
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First piece of translated text when?
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Frirst translation of the Bible when?
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Whhat did Cicero do?
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roman orator, made speeches, said word for word is not good, sense for sense better. Patron saint of translators
Who is patron saint of translators?
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St Jerome
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first piece of translated text 250bc
When st Jerome translate Bible?
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396 ad
What was diffrent in the bible Jerome translated?
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it was longer bc had explenations
When 1st non bible translation?
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1st non bible translation who and what did they translate?
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Arabs in Spain translated Greek philosophers
What did Wychiff do? when?
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British bishop translated bible into english (didn't finish) in 1300
When was bible translated into Polish?
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Was the polish bible translation good? why not?
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bc it was from greek into latin into czeski into polish
What did Coverdale do? when?
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translated bible wo knowing og language in 1520
What did the Calvinist church do? when?
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made own bible in 1564
Polish priest jakub Wujek what did he do? when?
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translated bibble into Polish really well in 1597
1st secular translation reach poland what when who translated
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Pilgrims progress 1764 Stefan Cedrowski
what did translators want in 1800s
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they wanted to be more famous than the authoe
what was the issue in 1880s
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faithfulness to the original
whedid the translator proffesion emearge? why?
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1900s bc ww1
what is the definition of translation?
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translated text and act of translating sth, product and process. Also replacing words, linguistic aspecs from SL into TL
Types of translation by Roman Jakobson (3 kawy)
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intralingual interlingual intersemiotic
translation studies what?
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interacts with other disiplines (linguistics, semantics, cultural studies, literature, antropologyy) (all disiplines actually) (very complex issue, 4d entity)
what is the difference between stategy and method?
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method- translator decide orientation for whole text strategy- when translator encounters a problem
Equivalent effect?
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Make same effect on reader. Same reaction.
Word-for-word method?
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Words are trranslated literally out of context.
Literal method?
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Grammatical structures translated out of context. Not method just pretranslation method. Stage before translation. Literal allows finding grammatical similaritties. If stuctures match then ok.
Faithful method?
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focus on cultural stuff. If has equicvalent stuff then fine. Opens list of methods that are reliable if grammar and culture can be comparable. transfers meaning a little too.
Semantic method?
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Sacrifice meaning for the aesthetic slay.
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Contains basic references to the source text. Plot characters, story can be altered. Freest form of translation. Draama, audiovisual translation, poetry.
Free translation
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Matter wo manner. Content the same, form/words no. Focus on transfering meaning, form sacrifieced. Type of interpretation, longer tha oroginal sometimes bc has explenations. Con is that one can deviate too much from og.
Idiomatic method?
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Encaplsulate messag but manner is altered by use of idioms not present in og. Remedy to specific translation problem. Use idiom to make sth uderstandable. Typically in movie translation bc slang, vulgar stuff itp.
Communicative method?
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Only listed that focus on expectations of readers. Makes it undertandable to reader. Free family.
Discourse definition
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can be defined as the analysis of text beyound and above the sentence - the attempt to find linguistic regularities in discourse; - not only about comparing words, find bigger picture, context; considering context and the text as whole;
Coherence vs. Cohesion
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Cohesion - that bind sentences to each other gramatically and lexically; Coherence - notional and logical unit of the text;
Titles how they should be treated?
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badly, *its hard to guarentee coherence and cohesion;
2 types of titles
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descriptive (descibe topic), allusive (figural relationship to random thing in film)
The definitionn Technical translation
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A subdivision of a specialized translation (one that concentrates on a specific branch of an area) Technical translation is used in manuels, instructions, reports, publicity (advertising),
Technical style
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specialized trminology 5% no emotive language, connotations, sound effects, neutral in characer
technical translation what to keep in mind?
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no ommiting data no creative literall approach
Varieties of technical style
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academic profetional popular

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