Slimming 4

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término English definición English
relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty:
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The new building has little aesthetic value/appea
A ... woman has a soft, curved, sexually attractive body:
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He delighted in painting voluptuous women.
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well rounded
For women, being well rounded meant being feminine and attractive.
polite word for sweat
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During the break between games, she had a drink of water and wiped the perspiration off her face and arms with a towel.
to get rid of material such as solid waste or urine from the body:
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Most toxins are naturally excreted from the body.
to live or exist longer than someone or something:
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He outlived all his doctors who had thrown scorn on his ideas for longevity
having a lot of trouble with something, or having to deal with a lot of something that causes problems:
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beset with/by
With the amount of traffic nowadays, even a trip across town is beset with dangers.
an arm or leg of a person or animal:
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He would walk around Venice to improve his wits and limbs.
If someone's behaviour is ..., it is calm and controlled.
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Henceforth he would throw his medicines away, lead a temperate life, and live to great age.
to earn money using dishonest or illegal methods:
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line sb pocket
At the age of 40 he decided that he would no longer line the doctors’ pockets with gold
a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficulty:
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Aspirin is a headache remedy
the likely future situation:
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The outlook for today is cloudy and dry at first with showers later.
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to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way:
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the older kids mocked him whenever he made a mistake
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you scorn all my suggestions
to live or exist longer than someone or something:
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he outlived all of his brothers
If something or someone is ..., that person or thing is considered to be better or more important than they really are:
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the overrated luxury car didn't perform well in the safety tests
to be suitable or right for someone or something
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as befit
He was given a huge welcome, as befits such a hero.

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