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The first person to distinguish psychology from philosophy or biology empezar lección
The belief that we see reality as it really is (objectively and without bias); that the facts are plain for all to see. empezar lección
Founded by Titchener, division of psychology that seeks to identify all aspects of thinking empezar lección
Founded by William James, a division of psychology influenced by Darwin that seeks to uncover the purpose of behavior and thoughts. empezar lección
Researched by BF Skinner, Watson, and Pavlov, a faction of psychology that seeks to objectively test the laws of behavior. empezar lección
Founded by Jean Piaget, a class of psychology that factors in a person's conscious thoughts and stimulus as a reason for behavior. empezar lección
Cognitivism (cognitive psychology)
An arm of psychology headed by Sigmund Freud that focuses on unconsious thoughts and desires as an explaination for behavior. empezar lección
The "devil", unconsious urges and desires empezar lección
The consious self, the part of you that weighs decisions, stuck in the middle empezar lección
The "angel", where morals and ideals are stored empezar lección
The tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors. empezar lección
The tendency to stick to initial beliefs when evidence contradicts them. empezar lección
Principal that sometimes the simplest solution is the correct one. empezar lección
What was Sigmund Freud right about? empezar lección
There are unconscious drives that lead to behaviors.
What is the definition of psychology? empezar lección
The study of the mind, brain, and behavior
Rungs on a ladder of analysis with lower levels tied most closely to biological influences and higher levels tied most closely to social influences empezar lección
Caused by several factors empezar lección
Variations among people in their thinking, emotion, personality, and behavior empezar lección
explanation for a large number of findings in the natural world empezar lección
Assertion about the world that is not testable empezar lección
A set of claims that seem scientific but aren't empezar lección
A loophole that defenders of a theory use to protect their theory from falsification empezar lección
Ad hoc immunizing hypothesis
The tendency to detect meaningful patterns in random stimuli empezar lección
A theory proposing that our awareness of our death leaves us with an underlying sense of terror with which we cope by adopting reassuring cultural worldviews empezar lección
An error of assuming that because one thing is associated with another, it must cause the other empezar lección
Correlation-Causation Fallacy
a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument empezar lección
Capable of being disproved empezar lección
When a study's findings are able to be duplicated ideally by independent investigators empezar lección
The fact that the size of certain psychological findings appears to be shrinking over time empezar lección
Method by which trained observers carefully reflect and report on their mental experiences empezar lección
Principal that organisms that possess adaptations survive and reproduce at a higher rate than do other organisms empezar lección
A relatively new field of psychology that examines the relation between brain functioning and thinking empezar lección
A discipline that applies Darwin's theory of natural selection to human and animal behavior empezar lección
Research examining how we can use basic research to solve real-world problems empezar lección
Type of psychologist that performs assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders; also does research empezar lección
Type of psychologist that works with people experiencing temporary or relatively self contained problems empezar lección
Type of psychologist that studies how and why people change over time empezar lección
Developmental psychologist
Use research methods to study memory, language, thinking and social behaviors of humans empezar lección
Experimental psychologist
Examines the physiological bases of behavior in animals and humans empezar lección
works in prisons, jails, etc. to assess and diagnose inmates and assist with their rehabilitation and treatment; others conduct research on eyewitness testimony or jury decision making empezar lección
Works in companies and businesses to help select productive employees, evaluate performance, examine the effects of different working and living conditions on behavior empezar lección
Industrial-Organizational (aka environmental) psychologists