przyimki (prepositions) 1

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término definición
w poniedziałek /czwartek
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on Monday/ on Thursday
rano/po południu /wieczorem
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in the morning/ afternoon/ evening
w nocy / o północy
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at night / at midnight
w zimie / latem etc.
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in winter / in summer
o 5:40 / 6-ej rano
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at 5:40 / at 6 am
na lotnisku
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at the airport
w pracy / w szkole / w domu / na uniwersytecie
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at work / at school / at home /at university
w autobusie / w samolocie / na statku / na rowerze / w pociągu
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on a bus / on a plane / on a ship / on a bike / on a train
na lotnisku / na stacji / na przystanku
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at the airport / at the station / at the bus stop
w weekend
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at the weekend
w styczniu / w lutym
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in January / in February
1 marca
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on 1st March
w Boże Narodzenie / w Wielkanoc
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at Christmas / at Easter

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