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jak mogę ci pomóc?
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how can I help you?
dobrze spałeś?
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Did you sleep well?
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isn't it?
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Good night.
do zobaczenia później
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See/catch you later!
idę spać
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I'm going to sleep
zobaczymy się jutro
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I will see you tomorrow
co ty tutaj robisz?
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what are you doing here?
gdzie idziesz?
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where are you going?
jak się nazywasz?
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what's your name?
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perhaps / maybe
wielkie dzięki
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thank you very much
proszę bardzo, nie ma za co
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you're welcome
nie ma mowy
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don't mention it
do zobaczenia wkrótce
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see you soon
miłego dnia
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Have a nice day
mówisz po angelsku?
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Do you speak English?
skąd jesteś?
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where are you from?
ja musze iść
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I have to go / I must go
mam siedemnaście lat
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I'm seventeen years old
mam na imię Kacper
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My name's Kacper
mieszkam w Busku
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I live in Busko
pochodzę z Polski
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I'm from Poland / I come from Poland
gdzie jesteś?
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where are you?
miło mi cię poznać
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nice to meet you
co cię sprawdza do Polski?
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what brings you to Poland?
byłeś kiedyś w Anglii?
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Have you ever been to England?
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Watch out
sprawiasz że czuję się...
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you make me feel...
Nie obchodzi mnie to
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I don't care
spokojnie, wyluzuj
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take it easy
co myślisz o...?
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What do you think about the...?
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I would like to
Jak się on nazywa?
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What is his name?
Co się stało?
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What happened?
ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
czym się się zajmujesz?
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What do you do?
gdzie mieszkasz? (miejscowość)
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where do you live?
zgadza się
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that's right
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Co słuchać?
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what's good?
jak ci mija dzień?
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How's your day?
właśnie o tym myślałem
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Just what I was thinking
Nie jestem co do tego pewien...
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I’m not sure about that...
nie bardzo
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not really
Nie o to mi chodziło
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That’s not really what I meant
Nie tego naprawdę szukałem
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That’s not really what I was looking for

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