Old English Literature Anglo-Saxon literature

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Collapse Of The Roman Empire
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AD 409 Rome pulled its last soldiers out of Britain. Romanized Celts left to fight alone
Christianity in Britain as Civilizing Force
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- gradual change of worldview -old anglo saxon belief in primitive vindictive gods -Christianity: a new hope and light unknown to pagans, new belief in power of forgiveness -Christianity brought the Bible
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-places of learning and education. -villages and towns grew around momasteries. -export and import of goods. -Bede the Venerable is one of the church fathers and greatest minds of his age
Alfred the Great
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fought with vikings and protected his kingdom. Recruited scholars from the continent and from Britain to aid in revival of Christian learning in Wessex. -Revival of culture. -developement of literature
Anglo saxon common themes:
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The sea- Saxons and Jutes sailed across the sea to get to British isles with their plan of invasion, War- anglo saxon sailors= fierce warriors, Love- poetic songs of love and passion
Old English Literature Sources of Influence:
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Christianity, Literature of Antiquity, Legends and History of Germanic Tribes, Produced in: Monasteries (Christian themes)
Old English Literature:
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the Old English period- blending of Anglo Saxon and Celtic culture. Rise of Heroic poetry
Beowulf (7th.c.) courtly poetry
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-greatest Old English poem, first English heroic epic, -Anonymous, composed in England
Anglo Saxon style:
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-no rhymes. -Alliteration -Synthetic language. -lofty style, elevated language -Formulaic -Kennings
Beowulf as Epic Hero:
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-physical strength (stronger than opponents) -moral strength and virtue. -Bravery - Dangerous quests and adventures
Beowulf narrative features
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- connection with ancient epic. -Framework(starts and ends with a funeral) -constant battle between good and evil. -celebration of warriors and their bravery. -supernatural forces. -shortness of human life

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