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Sack of potatoes.
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Saco de batatas.
He moved to the seaside for the sake of his health.
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Ele se mudou para o litoral por causa de sua saúde.
The coins may look the same but one’s a forgery.
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As moedas podem parecer as mesmas, mas uma falsificação.
A ham sandwich.
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Um sanduíche de presunto.
Vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.
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Sorvete de baunilha com molho de chocolate.
How many sausages should I put into your hot dog?
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Quantas salsichas devo colocar em seu cachorro-quente?
John yawned and scratched his leg.
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John bocejou e arranhou a perna.
After the first few shots, people started screaming.
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Após os primeiros tiros, as pessoas começaram a gritar.
Fix the frame in position and tighten the screws.
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Fixar o quadro na posição e apertar os parafusos.
Boyd’s goal secured his team’s place in the Cup Final.
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O gol de Boyd garantiu o lugar da sua equipe na final da Copa.
She jumped up and seized his arm.
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Ela saltou e agarrou seu braço.
She set the tray down on a table next to his bed.
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Ela colocou a bandeja na mesa ao lado de sua cama.
An old farmhouse in a beautiful setting.
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Uma antiga fazenda em um cenário bonito.
Rodman met with Kreeger to try and settle the dispute over his contract.
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Rodman encontrou-se com Kreeger para tentar resolver a disputa sobre o contrato.
The long dark shadow of an old oak tree.
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A longa e escura sombra de um antigo carvalho.
He hadn’t shaved for days.
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Ele não se tinha raspado por dias.
A tool shed.
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Um galpão de ferramentas.
Sheep were grazing on the hillside.
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Ovelhas estavam pastando na encosta.
A shift of wind took us by surprise.
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Uma mudança de vento nos surpreendeu.
The shocking news that Mark had hanged himself.
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A notícia chocante de que Mark se enforcava.
He pulled out his rifle and fired three shots.
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Ele tirou o rifle e disparou três disparos.
There’s no need to shout! I can hear you!
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Não há necessidade de gritar! Eu posso te ouvir!
He shoved her towards the car.
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Ele a empurrou para o carro.
I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored him.
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Eu simplesmente encolhi os ombros e o ignorei.
Shut the window, Ellen!
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Feche a janela, Ellen!
The capital sin.
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O pecado capital.
I slid on the ice.
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Eu deslizei no gelo.
She slipped on the ice and broke her ankle.
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Ela deslizou no gelo e quebrou o tornozelo.
The field slopes down to the river.
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O campo encosta até o rio.
The twigs snapped as we walked on them.
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Os galhos dispararam quando caminhamos sobre eles.
The so-called experts couldn't tell us what was wrong.
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Os chamados especialistas não podiam nos dizer o que estava errado.
Wash thoroughly with soap and water.
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Lave bem com água e sabão.
A fertile soil is good for growing crops.
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Um solo fértil é bom para o cultivo.
The sole American in the room.
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O único americano na sala.
I had a sore throat and aching limbs.
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Eu tinha dor de garganta e membros doloridos.
The book is full of sound advice.
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O livro está cheio de bons conselhos.
Homemade tomato soup.
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Sopa de tomate caseiro.
A spare key.
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Uma chave sobressalente.
The plane’s propellers were spinning.
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As hélices do avião estavam girando.
We went out in spite of the rain.
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Saímos apesar da chuva.
It was feared that the issue would split the church.
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Temia-se que a questão dividisse a igreja.
He was behaving like a spoilt childspoiled child.
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Ele estava se comportando como um filho malcriado infantil.
I spotted a police car behind us.
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Eu vi um carro da polícia atrás de nós.
The Italian World Cup squad.
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O time da Copa do Mundo italiano.
She smiled as he squeezed her hand.
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Ela sorriu quando apertou sua mão.
Our department has a staff of seven.
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Nosso departamento possui uma equipe de sete.
Jerry ran up the stairs.
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Jerry subiu as escadas.
They have to win the contract – thousands of jobs are at stake.
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Eles têm que ganhar o contrato - milhares de empregos estão em jogo.
Fruit and vegetable stalls.
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Tendas de frutas e legumes.
The audience stamped and shouted.
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A platéia marcou e gritou.
What are you staring at?
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O que você está olhando?
Please state your name and address.
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Indique seu nome e endereço.
They stayed all afternoon chatting.
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Eles ficaram durante toda a tarde conversando.
Paul is making steady progress.
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Paul está fazendo um progresso constante.
Steam rose from the hot tub.
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O vapor subiu da banheira de hidromassagem.
The road became rocky and steep.
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A estrada tornou-se rochosa e íngreme.
The plastic seats stuck to my skin.
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Os assentos de plástico presos à minha pele.
Her legs were stiff from kneeling.
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Suas pernas estavam rígidas de ficar de joelhos.
Stir the paint to make sure it is smooth.
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Mexa a tinta para se certificar de que é suave.
He was gazing straight at her.
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Ele estava olhando diretamente para ela.
Installing the program is relatively straightforward.
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Instalar o programa é relativamente direto.
I couldn't look after him any more; the strain was too much for me.
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Não pude mais cuidar dele; A tensão era demais para mim.
A straw hat.
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Um chapéu de palha.
Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.
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Nossa amizade se fortaleceu constantemente ao longo dos anos.
A spider’s web can stretch considerably without weakening.
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Uma teia de aranha pode se esticar consideravelmente sem enfraquecimento.
Her key hung on a string around her neck.
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Sua chave pendia em uma corda ao redor de seu pescoço.
A strip of paper.
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Uma tira de papel.
She died following a massive stroke.
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Ela morreu após um acidente vascular cerebral maciço.
I’ve got some sticky stuff on my shoe.
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Eu tenho algumas coisas pegajosas no meu sapato.
A sudden change in the weather.
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Uma mudança repentina no clima.
He owes me a large sum of money.
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Ele me deve uma grande quantia de dinheiro.
Why don't you come over for supper on Friday?
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Por que você não vem para o jantar na sexta-feira?
Paint for the project was supplied by the city.
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A pintura para o projeto foi fornecida pela cidade.
You must have heard about the riots, surely?
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Você deve ter ouvido sobre os tumultos, certamente?
Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.
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A caça ilegal ameaça a sobrevivência das espécies.
Do you want to swap umbrellas?
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Você quer trocar guarda-chuvas?
Don’t swear in front of the children.
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Não jure na frente das crianças.
Bert swept the path in front of the house.
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Bert varreu o caminho em frente à casa.
Let your arms swing as you walk.
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Deixe seus braços balançar enquanto você anda.
She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.
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Trabalhou como bibliotecária antes de mudar para o jornalismo.

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