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Czy masz minutę?
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Have you got a minute?
Chciałem z tobą porozmawiać
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I wanted to talk to you about
Musimy pogadać o
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We’ve got to talk about
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I’m planning
Mam zamiar
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I'm going to
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I’d like to
co masz na myśli?
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what do you mean?
Chodzi mi o to że
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What i mean is
Innymi słowy
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In other words
na początek
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to start
co więcej
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what’s more
Czy mógłbyś mi coś doradzić
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Could you give me some advice
gdybym był tobą, zrobiłbym to/nie
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if i were you, I wolud/wouldn’t
A co powiesz na...
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What about ...+ing?
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Good thinking
to brzmi jak dobry plan
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that sounds like a good plan
W porządku
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ok to mi pasuje
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alright that suits me
Nie jestem przekonany
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I’m not convinced
Naprawdę? nie jestem tego pewien
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Really? I’m not sure that
Rozumiem, co masz na myśli, ale nadal
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I see what you mean, but I still
Ale co gdyby
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But what if

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