literatura nazwiska tytuły

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Herbert George Wells
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The First Men in The Moon
James Joyce
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Dubliners -Eveline/ Ulysses
Rupert Brook
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The Soldier
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Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Matria Mori
Isaac Rosenberg
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Break of Day in the Trenches
Siegfird Sasson
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Suicide in the Trenches
Wystan Hugh Auden
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Musse des Beaux Art
J.R. R. Tolkien
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The Lord of The Rings
George Orwell
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1984/ Animal Farm/ Down and Out in Paris and London/ Homage of Catalonia
Virginia Woolf
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Mrs Dalloway.
Doris Lessing
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The Golden Notebook (Nobel)
Angela Carter
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The Bloody Chamber, The Werewolf
Lewis Carrol
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
C.S. Lewis
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The Chronicles of Narnia

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