el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

hojny inglés:

1. generous generous

Between meals, he usually manages to stow away a generous supply of candy, ice cream, popcorn and fruit.
a generous businessman
Do you want another cup of coffee? "Sure, make mine on the small side but be generous with my brother's."
I took care to make the letters large and be generous with character and line spacing in order for it to be easy to read for the elderly and those who have problems with their sight.
Thank you for the generous invitation but we don't want to wear out our welcome.
If you don't get in our way any more, I could see my way to letting bygones be bygones. "That's remarkably generous ..."
Let us be fully aware of all the importance of this day, because today within the generous walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer have met not French with English, nor Russians with Polish, but people with people.
A generous tax break will be provided to foreign companies that set up factories in the area.
Did I mention that Sweden, which still has a very generous welfare state, is currently a star performer?
Jeremy always lends money to anyone who asks him and regulary gives money to charity. He's a generous boy.
It was most generous of you to lend me the money. / She's been very generous with her time. / There's a generous (= kinder than deserved) review of the book in today's newspaper.
a generous benefactor to the University / a generous assessment of his work
1. We will make a generous contribution to your building fund. / 2. I'm being very generous offering $1.2 million.

Inglés palabrahojny"(generous) ocurre en conjuntos:

SEW Wednesday 20.11.2013 Eating out
Lekcja wygenerowana z obrazka
E Dla Zaawansowanych Zwroty Konwersacyjne B2-C1

2. munificent

a munificent benefactor
If you give your best friend a bracelet for her birthday, then you’re a good friend. If you give her a diamond bracelet, a racehorse, and an oil well, then you’re amunificent friend, meaning you are very lavish when it comes to giving gifts.

Inglés palabrahojny"(munificent) ocurre en conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "Winchester" (Sidney Heath)
Fiszki z książki - "Ely Cathedral" (Anonymous)
Fiszki z książki - "Work for Women" (George J. Man...
Fiszki z książki - "The Irish Crisis" (C. E. Treve...
Fiszki z książki - "The Brown Fairy Book" (Andrew ...

3. bounteous

Inglés palabrahojny"(bounteous) ocurre en conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "Poems" (Clarence Cook)
Fiszki z książki - "Poems" (Robert Bridges)
Fiszki z książki - "Poems" (Matilda Betham)
Fiszki z książki - "Afternoon" (Émile Verhaeren)
Fiszki z książki - "The Anti-Slavery Harp" (Various)

4. bountiful

Our fields are more bountiful than any in the world. Then he sat down to eat at a table that, in his eyes, was bountiful.
... your hearts to your bountiful blessings.

Inglés palabrahojny"(bountiful) ocurre en conjuntos:

words of familiar meaning - adj
Fiszki z książki - "A Horse Book" (Mary Tourtel)
Fiszki z książki - "Little People: An Alphabet" (T...
Fiszki z książki - "Abraham Lincoln in Our Own Cou...
Fiszki z książki - "Little Folded Hands Prayers fo...

5. open handed

Inglés palabrahojny"(open handed) ocurre en conjuntos:

repetytorium 1

6. unstinting

unstinting support/generosity

Inglés palabrahojny"(unstinting) ocurre en conjuntos:

in one person chapter 1
Adjectives advanced

7. charitable

The revenues go to a charitable foundation.
You speak pretty highly of him but you're directly involved. I think my less charitable view might be more accurate since I can look at things objectively.

Inglés palabrahojny"(charitable) ocurre en conjuntos:

słownictwo 1

8. lavish

He is lavish with his money.
When she is so lavish, I know she's up to something, but I don't know what yet.
And to top it all off, retired courtier Valantino Garavani threw a lavish party at his expansive estate, Château de Wideville.
There were various celebrations honoring the gods, often accompanied by lavish banquets
lavish reception پذيرايي باشكوه
He was not lavish, nor, on the contrary,...
The evening was a lavish affair with glorious food and an endless supply of champagne. The lavish production makes this musical truly memorable.
My grandpa is very lavish. He gave me 100 dollars.
The costumes in the play were lavish!
lavish extravagant praise on children may often be doing more harm than good
... and flying them to lavish resorts as "educational" trips.
lavish ​gifts/​promises/​praise lavish ​spending lavish ​banquets
a lavish lifestyle
Woolf of Wall-street was very lavish.
The real estate broker was lavish in his spending in Ginza.

Inglés palabrahojny"(lavish) ocurre en conjuntos:

New Headway Unit 2
Słówka z zadań