el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

Statek kosmiczny inglés:

1. Spaceship Spaceship

Let's watch the models of future spaceships.
The spaceship landed and an alien got out.
They named the spaceship A100.
The spaceship made a perfect landing.
A voyage to the moon in a spaceship is no longer a dream.
Harrison always wanted to see a spaceship.
The next morning found him on a spaceship.
The spaceship is out of orbit around the moon.
It is rumoured that a spaceship has been seen near Shanghai.
If it is seen from a spaceship, the earth looks blue.

Inglés palabraStatek kosmiczny"(Spaceship) ocurre en conjuntos:

Travelogue - dział 2 słówka
transport and traveling

2. Spacecraft Spacecraft

It costs a fortune to build a spacecraft
In the past, astronauts had to be specially trained and physically very fit to survive in very small space capsules, but spacecraft size is no longer a constraint, making it possible to take ordinary people such as midwives, electricians and cleaners.
Neil – it's visible to the naked eye – meaning without using instruments – and it's reachable by spacecraft.
This spacecraft is powered by ion thrusters.
Against all expectations, the Apollo spacecraft made it safely back to Earth.

Inglés palabraStatek kosmiczny"(Spacecraft) ocurre en conjuntos:

The time machine
Nauka i technika