English collocations (versione italiana)
/ año

English collocations (versione italiana)
Fluidifica il tuo inglese!

Rendi il tuo inglese il più naturale possibile con queste English Collocations!
Questo corso ti mostrerà il corretto uso dei principali verbi quando seguiti da certe preposizioni!
Ecco a te una serie di flashcard che ti mostreranno come utilizzare propriamente i principali verbi
Dimostra di poter padroneggiare l’inglese come un vero native speaker!
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Collocations with the verb "to break"Collocations with the verb "to break"  
45 tarjetas
Collocations with the verb "to catch"Collocations with the verb "to catch"  
27 tarjetas
Collocations with the verb "to come"Collocations with the verb "to come"  
50 tarjetas
Collocations with the verb "to do"Collocations with the verb "to do"  
55 tarjetas
Collocations with the verb "to get"Collocations with the verb "to get"  
54 tarjetas
Collocations with the verb "to give"Collocations with the verb "to give"  
49 tarjetas
Collocations with the verb "to go"Collocations with the verb "to go"  
63 tarjetas
Collocations with the verb "to have"Collocations with the verb "to have"  
40 tarjetas
mostrar todas las lecciones (37)

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Marcin Młodzki, vicepresidente
(Varsovia, a 1 de octubre de 2018)

VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58 | 02-798 Warszawa

TAX NUMBER: PL 951 245 79 19



VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696
