Danish: day 2
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Danish: day 2
Expand your Danish language skills!

Continue your exploration into the depths of Danish!
This course covers a wide variety of lesson topics that will make communicating in Danish comfortable and easy
Courses such as numbers up to 1 million, useful phrases, common conjunctions, conversation starters and even simplified grammar
What’s more, VocApp’s audio recordings will be indispensable in helping you master those tricky Danish pronunciations
prueba de forma gratuita (20 tarjetas) o comprar el curso completo
Numbers - TalNumbers - Tal  
60 tarjetas
And, or, but, so - Og, eller, men, såAnd, or, but, so - Og, eller, men, så  
23 tarjetas
Places - StederPlaces - Steder  
32 tarjetas
Useful nouns - Nyttige navneordUseful nouns - Nyttige navneord  
36 tarjetas
Useful phrases - Nyttige sætningerUseful phrases - Nyttige sætninger  
20 tarjetas
Attributes - EgenskaberAttributes - Egenskaber  
30 tarjetas
Time - TidTime - Tid  
26 tarjetas
A typical conversation from a student's book;) - En typisk samtale fra en studerendes bog;)A typical conversation from a student's book;) - En typisk samtale fra...  
15 tarjetas
mostrar todas las lecciones (10)

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Marcin Młodzki, vicepresidente
(Varsovia, a 1 de octubre de 2018)

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