Greek: day 2
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Greek: day 2
Take the next step in your journey!

Get to know some useful expressions and basic grammar
Continue learning even more Greek words with Vocapp
Start thinking like a Greek
Become much more than just a beginner in Greek
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Numbers - ΑριθμοίNumbers - Αριθμοί  
60 tarjetas
And, or, but, so - Και,ή,αλλά,οπότεAnd, or, but, so - Και,ή,αλλά,οπότε  
23 tarjetas
Space - ΧώροςSpace - Χώρος  
32 tarjetas
Useful nouns - Χρήσιμα ΟυσιαστικάUseful nouns - Χρήσιμα Ουσιαστικά  
36 tarjetas
Useful phrases - Χρήσιμες φράσειςUseful phrases - Χρήσιμες φράσεις  
19 tarjetas
Features - ΧαρακτηριστικάFeatures - Χαρακτηριστικά  
30 tarjetas
Time - ΧρόνοςTime - Χρόνος  
26 tarjetas
A typical conversation from a student's book;) - Μια τυπική συζήτηση από βιβλίο μαθητών;)A typical conversation from a student's book;) - Μια τυπική συζήτηση α...  
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How to learn Greek

Second day to learn Greek, what are you thinking? Learning Greek with an app is easier? The best way to learn Greek is with flashcards and with VocApp learning Greek is easier. With the help of this Greek course, you'll have access to the most used words in Greek. To learn Greek it is essential to listen to the language as such, with our Greek course you will be able to hear Greek phrases. It takes discipline to learn Greek alone . With VocApp you can manage your time and learn at your own pace. With the help of memory cards it will be easier to memorize and learn to speak Greek . This course is an excellent tool for learning Greek in a fun way. You start by learning basic Greek words and with our memorizing system, the motivation increases, not lacking reasons to learn Greek. You will have access to varied Greek vocabulary and you will be able to learn Greek phrases, Greek words. With this app to learn Greek, insecurities like, "How to speak Greek?" will be outdone, thanks to our storage system.

The importance of learning Greek

It is the official language of Greece and Cyprus and also one of the 24 official languages of the European Union. The Greek alphabet is one of the main features of this language. It originated around the IX b.C, and is still used today in both modern Greek and also in mathematics, for example PI ≈ 3.1415, variations that are represented in the physics, or astronomy where the Greek alphabet is used to name constellations and stars, for example Scorpio Alpha is the largest star of that constellation. It is considered the oldest language among European languages, with literary works with more than 2500 years. All the arts and sciences were born and developed in Ancient Greece. There are lots of books with thousands of years old, old literature, tragedies and comedies, New Testament, Homer's epics, the Neo-Hellenic and Byzantine literature. Did you know that the first encyclopedia was written in Greek? The Greeks had great importance in the written expression because they were the first to invent a series of signs and letters, in which each had only one meaning. Thanks to this the first alphabet was created, having decisively influenced the story. All European alphabets are variations of the Greek alphabet . The current Greek preserves the old alphabet and about 75% of your vocabulary and spelling is based on the old language.

Take a look at our course: Greek in 1 day
