At the deli

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A bar of chocolate
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Tabliczka czekolady
A bottle of juice
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Butelka soku
A tin/can of tomatoes
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Puszka/puszka pomidorów
A container of salad
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Pojemnik sałatki
A jar of olives
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Słoik oliwek
A loaf of bread
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Bochenek chleba
A packet of pasta
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Paczka makaronu
A scoop of ice cream
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Kulka lodów
A slice of cheese
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Plaster sera
The customer wants pasta that that has a shell shape.
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Klient chce makaronu o kształcie muszli.
The customer needs three tins of tomatoes.
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Klient potrzebuje trzech puszek pomidorów.
The customer asks for 300 grams of parmesan cheese.
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Klient prosi o 300 gramów parmezanu.
The customer buys green olives.
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Klient kupuje zielone oliwki.
The customer gets five slices of cooked meat.
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Klient otrzymuje pięć plasterków gotowanego mięsa.
I’m looking for...
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That’s fine.
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W porządku, wystarczy.
Do you have any...?
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Czy macie jakieś...?
Where can I find
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Gdzie mogę znaleźć
I’d like to buy some...
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Chciałbym kupić trochę...
Can I have...
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Czy mogę prosić...
I’ll take
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How can I help you?
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W czym mogę pomóc?
Anything else?
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Coś jeszcze?
How much?
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How much is it?
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Ile to kosztuje?
It’s too much.
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To za dużo.
A little more
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Trochę więcej

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