Agata 8th June (50 min)

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Cieszę się.
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I'm glad (to hear that).
coś jest nie tak z moją twarzą
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something is wrong with my face
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Biorę prysznic.
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I'm having a shower.
Jem śniadanie.
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I'm having breakfast.
być zaangażowanym w coś
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to be involved IN sth
stoisko (np. na bazarze)
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a stand
rozgniecione ciasteczka
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crushed biscuits
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a prize
dzięki tym lizakom
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thanks to these lollies
Osiągnełam mój cel dzięki tobie.
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I achieved my goal thanks to you.
najlepszy moment pikniku był, gdy...
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the highlight of the picnic was when...
Helenka spisała się na medal.
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Helenka did a great job.
na weselu
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AT the wedding
na imprezie
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AT the party
"na pikniku
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AT the picnic
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Jakie są twoje zainteresowania?
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What ARE your interests?
coś związanego z czymś
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sth related to sth
I have a question related to your family background?
to jest ich wina
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it's their fault
mieć napad złości (zwłaszcza o dziecku)
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to hit a tantrum
She hit a tantrum while we were having a walk in the park.
dziecko, które niedawno zaczęło chodzić
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a toddler
najlepszy moment dnia
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the highlight of the day
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vegetables / veggies
pieczone warzywa
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roasted veggies
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an MC

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