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ad blocking
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the use of a computer program to prevent advertisements from being displayed on a screen, for example when you visit a website
advertising agency
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a company that produces advertisements
advertising campaign
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a planned series of advertisements that will be used in particular places at particular times in order to advertise a product or service and persuade people to buy it or use it
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software that automatically puts advertisements onto a computer screen when a person is using the internet
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repetition of a sound
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attractive; also fetching
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an advertisement that appears across the top of a page on the internet or in a newspaper
bargains galore
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a huge number of products on sale at ridiculously low prices
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(US) very large boards used for advertising
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(UK) very large boards used for advertising
blatant lie
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very obvious and intentional lie
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to do something too often or too much, for example criticizing or questioning someone, or giving too much information
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to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them
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a type of product made by a particular company and sold under a particular name
brand awareness
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the degree to which people are familiar with or prefer a particular brand
catchy jingles
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easy to remember tune or song
classified ads
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a small advertisement that you put in a newspaper or a magazine, usually because you want to sell or buy something or to find or offer a job
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content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page
commercial break
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a short interruption of a television or radio programme to broadcast advertisements
consumer goods
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products that people buy for their own use
creative brief
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a document that gives details of what should be considered when something is being designed or advertised
direct mail
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the activity in which companies or organizations write to people to try to persuade them to buy their product or give money, etc.
direct marketing
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the activity of marketing products and services by communicating directly with consumers by phone, mail, or on the internet
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attractive; also alluring
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sheets of printed information advertising something
good/best value for money
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(UK) used in reference to something that is well worth the money spent on it
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suggested but not communicated directly
in the lap of luxury
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in a very luxurious way
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providing a lot of useful information
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original and interesting
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a design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products
mail shot
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the posting of advertising or similar material to a lot of people at one time
marketing strategy
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a plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service
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causing someone to believe something that is not true
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rich and special (relating to lifestyle)
to plug
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to advertise
pop-up advertisements
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an ad that displays in a new browser window
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the way that customers think about, or the way that a company wants customers to think about, a product in relation to similar products or to competitors' products
product endorsement
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the fact of a famous person appearing in an advertisement saying that they use and like a product
product placement
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a way of advertising a product by supplying it for use in films or television programmes
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shown by research
rock-bottom prices
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extremely low prices
sandwich boards
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advertising posters hung at the back and front of a person who then walks around a busy area
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words written in the sky using smoke from a plane
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a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used to advertise an idea or a product
social media advertising
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a type of digital marketing that utilizes social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to deliver paid ads to your target audience
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unwanted email, usually advertisements
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the act of providing money for a television or radio programme, website, sports event, or other activity in exchange for advertising
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use the very latest technology
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not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way
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rich and special (usually with words relating to food and furnishings)
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making someone feel excited or attracted by an offer or a suggestion of something that is, in fact, unlikely to happen
target audience
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the particular group of people to which an advertisement or a product is directed
text message advertising
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a form of marketing that businesses use to send promotions to customers via text messages
to exploit
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to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage; to use something in a way that helps you
to indulge yourself
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allow yourself something enjoyable
to pamper yourself
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treat yourself to something luxurious
to put/leave other candidates in the shade
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make candidates from other courses seem insignificant
to stand out in the crowd
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to be noticed
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brief excerpts from a film, TV or radio programme which are used to advertise it
tv commercials
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an audio-visual production of not more than one minute in duration made exclusively for advertising or promoting a product or service on television
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(formal or humorous) seeming to be everywhere
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the best there is
USP (unique selling proposition/point)
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a feature of a product that makes it different from and better than other similar products and that can be emphasized in advertisements for the product
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a person or group of people whose job is to protect the rights of people who buy things and to make sure companies do not do anything illegal or harmful
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when people hear about something from their friends, people they work with etc
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(in persuasion principles) once people have made a choice or taken a stand, they are under pressure to behave consistently with that commitment
social proof
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(in persuasion principles) a kind of herd behaviour; people assume that if lots of other people are doing something, then it must be okay
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(in persuasion principles) a general human quality that makes people return favours
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(in persuasion principles) the smaller amount of a product is available, the more attractive it may seem
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(in persuasion principles) feeling of obligation to people in position of authority or possessing features of authority such as a uniform, etc.
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(in persuasion principles) people are more likely to be influenced by the people they like, e.g. people from within their community, friends, etc.

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