23/20=460)-500 super przydatnych angielskich zwrotów od 1000-słów

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Kiedy się przeprowadzasz?
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When are you moving?
Znasz ją?
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Do you know her?
Spróbuj to powiedzieć.
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Try to say it.
Czy mogę to przymierzyć?
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Can I try this?/ Can I try it on?
Mój syn.
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My son.
Na zdrowie!
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Bless you!/ Cheers!
Ile masz dzieci?
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How many children do you have?
Bardzo dobrze, dzięki.
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Very good thanks.
Chciałbyś wypożyczyć film?
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Would you like to rent a movie?
Jak podróż?
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How was the trip
Pracujesz jutro?
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Do you work tomorrow/ Are you working tomorrow?
Każdy to wie.
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Everyone knows that.
On przybędzie wkrótce.
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He will come soon.
Nikogo tam teraz nie ma.
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Nobody is there now.
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Który to dzień tygodnia?
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Which day of the week is it?
Co myślisz o tych butach?
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What do you think about these shoes?
Przepraszam, nie mam ołówka.
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I'm sorry, I don't have a pencil.
Nie skończyłem jeść.
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I haven't finished eating.
Widziałem to.
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I saw it./ I've seen it.

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