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uczniowie i nauczyciele
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students and teachers
chłopcy i dziewczęta
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boys and girls
jedzenie i picie
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food and drink
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dzień dobry
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Good morning.
tak, rano
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yes, in the morning
Tak, każdego ranka
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Yes, every morning
Dziś rano
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Today morning
poranna kawa
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morning coffee
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coś nowego
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something new
coś ciekawego
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something interesting
Coś do jedzenia?
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Something to eat?
Coś do picia?
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Something to drink?
Mam coś dla ciebie!
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I have something for you!
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Co dokładnie?
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What exactly?
Po co?
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What for?
Co to jest?
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What is it?
I co z tego?
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So what?
Wiesz co?
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You know what?
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Jesteś słodki
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You`re sweet
Jesteś znów spóźniony!
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You're late again!
Jesteś aniołem
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You are an angel
Jesteś okropny
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You`re horrible
Jesteś cudowna
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You`re wonderful
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O tak
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Oh yes
Jeszcze tak
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Yes indeed
Tak, proszę
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Yes please
Tak, rozumiem
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Yes, I understand
Tak oczywiście
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Yes of course
Nie, bez, żaden
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Żaden problem
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No problem
Nie ma mowy
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No way
Bez komentarza
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No comment
Bez wątpienia
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No doubt
Palenie wzbronione
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No smoking
Czy ten?
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W tym tygodniu
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This week
W tym roku
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This year
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this way
Ten samochód?
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This car?
Ten dom?
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This house?
Czy mogę?
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Can I?
Tak, możesz
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Yes you can
Czy mogę iść
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Can I go
Czy mogę poprowadzić
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Can I drive
Czy możesz?
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Can you?
Tak, mogę
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Yes, I can
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każdego dnia
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every day
każdej nocy
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every night
Za każdym razem
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Every time
co roku
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every year
każdy polityk
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every politician
Czy jesteś?
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Are you?
Czy jesteś gotowa kochanie?
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Are you ready honey
Czy jesteś szczęśliwa kochanie?
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Are you happy honey
Czy jesteś zajęta kochanie?
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Are you busy honey
Tak, jestem. A ty?
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Yes I am. And you?
Nie, nie jestem. A ty?
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No I am not. And you?
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Dzienkuję kochanie
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Thank you honey
Kawa. Nie dzienkuję
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Coffee. No, thank you
Bardzo dzienkuję
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Thank you very much
W porządku, dzienkuję.
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Fine, thank you.
To wszystko, dzienkuję
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That's all, thank you
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Dlaczego ja?
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Why me?
Dlaczego nie?
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Why not?
Ale dlaczego?
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But why?
Dlaczego, tak jest?
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Why is it so?
Nie rozumię, dlaczego?
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I don't understand why?
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praca na pół etatu
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part-time job
praca na pełen etat
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full-time job
Nie mam pracy
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I do not have a job
Nienawidzę mojej pracy
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I hate my job
nie móc
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Nie, nie moge
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No I can`t
Nie mogę spać
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I can`t sleep
Przykro mi, nie możesz
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Sorry, you can't
Nie możesz iść
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You can't go
Nie, nie możesz
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No, you can`t
jechać (czymś)
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jechać samochodem
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to go by car
jechać autobusem
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to go by bus
jechać pociągiem
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go by train
jechać metrem
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to go by subway
lecieć samolotem
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fly by plane
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Następnym razem
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Next time
W przyszłym tygodniu
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Next week
Kto następny
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Who`s next
Następny proszę
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next please
Życie po śmierci
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The next life
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z tobą
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with you
z przyjemnością
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with pleasure
Chodź ze mną!
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Go with me.
Zostań ze mną!
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Stay with me!
Ja zgadzam się z tobą
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I agree with you
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Proszę o ciszę
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Silence please
Proszę o uwagę
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Attention please
Chwileczkę, proszę
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One moment, please
Usiądź proszę
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sit down please
Proszę zadzwonić po policję
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Please call the police
albo, czy
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kawa czy herbata
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coffee or tea
chłopiec czy dziewczynka
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a boy or a girl
Teraz albo nigdy
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Now or never
Uwierz w to lub nie
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Believe it or not
Wóz albo przewóz
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Win or lose

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