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I Was Drawn
What made you choose this book?
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Attracted or pulled towards something.
I was drawn to the book by its intriguing cover and title.
Are you worried about the flu this season?
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Protected from a particular disease or condition.
No, I've had my flu shot, so I feel pretty immune.
How is his health after the accident?
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Weakened or damaged.
His vision is impaired, and he needs special glasses to see clearly.
Did the heavy traffic affect your commute?
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Delayed or obstructed the progress of something.
Yes, the traffic impeded my commute, making me late for work.
In Turn
How did the changes affect the team?
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As a result of something in a sequence.
Each change improved efficiency, which in turn boosted overall productivity.
What caused the protest to escalate?
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To provoke or stir up.
The speaker's inflammatory remarks helped incite the crowd to take more drastic actions.
Can you tell the difference between the two samples?
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Impossible to tell apart.
No, they are virtually indistinguishable from each other.
Inexplicable Shifts
How would you describe the market changes?
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Impossible to explain or understand.
There were some inexplicable shifts in the market that we couldn't predict.
How did the water get in?
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The act of entering or the entrance itself.
There was an ingress of water through a small crack in the basement wall.
Inspirational Prowess
What did you think of her speech?
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Exceptional skill or ability that inspires others.
Her speech showcased her inspirational prowess, motivating everyone in the audience.
How are the two systems related?
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Mutually connected or related.
The two systems are highly interconnected, with changes in one affecting the other.
How is the technology progressing?
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Large jumps or significant advances.
The technology is advancing by leaps and bounds every year.
Let’s Go Light a Fire
How should we start the project?
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To motivate or energize a group to take action.
Let's go light a fire under this project and get everyone motivated to begin.
Like a Tree Falling in a Forest with No One to Hear It
Did anyone notice your hard work?
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An event occurring without being noticed or appreciated.
It felt like a tree falling in a forest with no one to hear it; no one seemed to acknowledge my efforts.
Make a Dent
Do you think our efforts will make a difference?
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To make a noticeable impact or reduction.
Yes, I believe our efforts will make a dent in the problem, even if it's a small one.
Did she attend the event despite her injury?
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In spite of; despite.
Yes, she attended the event, notwithstanding her injury.
How do you find his behavior?
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Extremely unpleasant or offensive.
I find his behavior obnoxious; he's loud and inconsiderate.
Is he enthusiastic about his new job?
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Excessively enthusiastic or eager.
Yes, he's almost overzealous, sometimes taking on more than he can handle.
How did the smell spread so quickly?
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To spread throughout something.
The smell seemed to permeate every corner of the house.
Pleasurable Alignment
How was your yoga session?
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A satisfying feeling of things being in the right position or harmony.
It was great; I felt a pleasurable alignment in my body after all the stretches.

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