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Is a quiet environment conducive to studying effectively?
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good for
Yes, a quiet environment is highly conducive to studying effectively, as it minimizes distractions.
Have you planned for any contingencies in case of unexpected events?
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Events or situations that may occur but are not certain.
Yes, we have contingencies in place to deal with unexpected delays or emergencies.
What type of food do you usually crave when you’re stressed?
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To have an intense desire for something.
I usually crave comfort food like pizza or ice cream when I’m stressed; it helps me feel better.
Crawl Out Windows
Did you ever have to crawl out windows during your childhood?
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To escape or exit through a window, typically in a hurry.
Yes, once when we got locked inside, we had to crawl out windows to get back into the house
Have you ever cringed while watching an embarrassing scene?
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To feel embarrassed or uncomfortable due to awkwardness.
Yes, I cringed while watching an embarrassing scene in a movie; it was so awkward that I couldn’t bear to watch.
Daunting Task
Have you ever faced a daunting task at work?
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A task that seems difficult or challenging, often intimidating.
Yes, I’ve faced a daunting task at work when I had to lead a large project with tight deadlines.
How does lack of maintenance cause buildings to decay?
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To decline in quality, health, or condition over time.
Buildings decay without maintenance because exposure to the elements causes materials to deteriorate.
Instructor: "The project scope must be 'Defined' to avoid any misunderstandings among team members."
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Clearly stated, described, or characterized; having a precise meaning or delineation.
Instructor: "The project scope must be '____________________' to avoid any misunderstandings among team members."
How does the movie depict the struggles of the protagonist?
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To represent or show something in a picture, story, or other medium.
The movie depicts the struggles of the protagonist through dramatic scenes and emotional dialogues, highlighting their challenges and growth.
Have you ever experienced feelings of despair?
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A state of utter hopelessness or sadness.
Yes, I’ve experienced feelings of despair during difficult times, but I’ve always managed to overcome them.
How can we prevent this from happening again?
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To discourage or prevent someone from doing something.
Increasing security measures can deter potential intruders from entering the premises.
Manager: "The new company policy serves as a 'Directive' regarding remote work expectations."
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An authoritative instruction, order, or command; a guideline or policy that directs action or behavior.
Manager: "The new company policy serves as a '____________________' regarding remote work expectations."
Have you ever witnessed an act of civil disobedience?
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The refusal to obey authority or follow rules or laws.
Yes, I’ve witnessed acts of civil disobedience during protests, where people peacefully defy certain laws or regulations to advocate for change.
Have you ever felt a sense of dread before a big presentation?
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A strong feeling of fear or apprehension
Yes, I felt a sense of dread before a big presentation because I was nervous about speaking in front of a large audience.
What kind of reaction does the new policy elicit from employees?
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To draw out or evoke a response or reaction.
The new policy elicits mixed reactions from employees; some are supportive, while others are concerned.
Embarking on a Journey
Have you ever felt excited while embarking on a journey?
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To begin or start a journey or adventure
Yes, I’ve felt excited while embarking on a journey; the anticipation of new experiences is always thrilling.
What trends are currently emerging?
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Arising or becoming prominent or prominent.
One of the emergent trends in technology is the rise of artificial intelligence.
How did she react to the book?
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Deeply absorbed or engrossed in something; fully immersed or focused on a particular activity or subject.
She was so engrossed in the book that she didn’t notice the time passing.
Have you ever been enraptured by a piece of music?
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To fill with great delight or joy; to captivate or charm.
Yes, I’ve been enraptured by many pieces of music; there’s something magical about the way it can stir emotions.
How can we equip our employees with the necessary skills?
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To provide with the necessary items or skills for a particular purpose.
We can equip our employees with the necessary skills by providing comprehensive training and development programs.

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