el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

pasek inglés:

1. belt belt

Since I lost a little weight, my belt got loose.
You should always wear a seat belt when you are riding in a car.
Tom hanged himself using the belt that Mary had given him.
Suddenly the plane begins to rock and the seat belt signs come on.
Please fasten your seat belt and observe the "no smoking" sign until it is turned off.
You don't have to belt, we have plenty of time. Why are you belting?
He would still be alive if he had been wearing his seat belt when the car crashed.
I wear a belt to keep my trousers up.
tighten the belt
The red belt sets off her black dress.
But for the safety belt, I wouldn't be alive today.
The Milky Way is a vast belt of distant stars, each similar to our sun.
The head of your penis is sticking out of your belt.
A tight belt will interfere with circulation of the blood.
Petrol prices have gone up again. We're going to have to tighten up our belts.

Inglés palabrapasek"(belt) ocurre en conjuntos:

unit 1- appearance, clothes and accessories
INFOMINT English: Człowiek - ubrania i dodatki
Dom i meble
odpowiedz przymiotniki czlowiek ubrania
Clothes, accessories, work and work skills

2. strap strap

Tighten the strap around the suitcase.
Please hang onto the strap.
Hold on to the strap. The train will start to move soon.

Inglés palabrapasek"(strap) ocurre en conjuntos:

Vocabulary VIII - Parts and Components
Repetytorium 6: At the watch-maker's EN/PL
British Council Travel and accomodation
11 pioneer, space, Greta, Queen
PROLOG - How to bulid a car

3. stripe stripe

The American flag has stars and stripes.
striped shirt

Inglés palabrapasek"(stripe) ocurre en conjuntos:

Lesson 3.1 Zwierzęta + słówka (Animals)
Enterprise 1 - Companion - Unit 6
unit 6 żywienie, zakupy i usługi cz.1
British Council My favourite recipe
Różności angielskie cz. 1.

4. Strap Strap

Tighten the strap around the suitcase.
Please hang onto the strap.
Hold on to the strap. The train will start to move soon.

Inglés palabrapasek"(Strap) ocurre en conjuntos:

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Angielski cz. 10