el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

niechlujny inglés:

1. messy

I style my hair messy on purpose.
I have to admit I'm very messy.
His bedroom's always messy.
a messy room
Kasparov's private life is messy.
My sister is a typical messy teenager.
A messy bun is very fashionable now.
how to hasten what is increasingly becoming a messy withdrawal while still painting a portrait of success
so I don't have to get involved in these messy, emotional entanglements.
Find someone who had a messy room as a child.
Foxes are forever turning over the bins to look for food, which is both messy and extremely unhygienic.
He is messy, because he's spitting.
his messy hair. Stripping wallpaper can be a messy, time-consuming job. A messy divorce.
The divorce was painful and messy.
My locker partner has made our locker very messy.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(messy) ocurre en conjuntos:

adjectives to describe the house and garden
Números y Numerales - Numbers and Numerals
patterns and materials kartkówka nr 1
wygląd zewnętrzny wiek twarz wygląd ogólny
lekcja dodatkowa - 1 człowiek - słówka

2. scruffy

scruffy pair of jeans/flat/boy
scruffy jeans I don't like to look scruffy.
She is very scruffy, she picking up clothes on the floor and put it on.
You're so scruffy! How about you buy a decent suit?
They live in a scruffy part of town.
These students look poor and scruffy.
A scruffy look is fashionable this season.
dressed in scruffy old clothes to clean out the garage
She doesn't really care about her looks and always wears scruffy clothes.
I don't care if I look scruffy as long as I feel comfortable.
My parents think I look scruffy in these torn jeans
it's scruffy footwear that implies you won't take in pride in your work.
Mum doesn’t like it when I wear scruffy jeans. She prefers me to wear smart clothes.
After a few days without a shower we all looked scruffy.
When I was young, I was a bit scruffy and there were times when I didn't take a bath for up to two weeks during the summer.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(scruffy) ocurre en conjuntos:

Repetytorium Wordlist Człowiek 1-7
Wordlist 5 Teen Explorer 8
fajowe słówka cz. 2
Człowiek 03: APPEARANCE
Człowiek 03: APPEARANCE

3. untidy

I can put up with a house being untidy, but I don't like it to be dirty.
His room is untidy.
Your hair really does look untidy.
My room is very untidy. I must put it in order.
His untidy room announced that he had abruptly departed.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(untidy) ocurre en conjuntos:

Ang - dział 1 - Cechy charakteru 4/9
A - Word list 2/3 Adjective for places
słownik tematyczny rozdział 1, strona 20/21, 3 i 4...
do kartkówki, ang. podst. słówka
angielski - 1 dział repetytorium

4. slovenly

Jack! You are a slovenly little boy!
As to his daily life, he is very slovenly.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(slovenly) ocurre en conjuntos:

100+ways to avoid usinh the Word Very
Fiszki z książki - "My Little Boy" (Carl Ewald)
Fiszki z książki - "My Boyhood" (John Burroughs)
Fiszki z książki - "Aunt Kitty's Stories" (Various)
Fiszki z książki - "The History of Insects" (Unknown)

5. sloppy

Tom is a sloppy painter.
She always criticises her husband for being sloppy.
Paul's so sloppy - he always spills something on the floor.
I couldn't read the note because of your sloppy handwriting.
An example of illegible is a scribbled note by a sloppy young child.
His written reports are incredibly sloppy
He often sent her long and slightly sloppy letters.
Kevin's handwriting is very sloppy. Sometimes it's hard to read what he's written.
If I have to be honest, you did a sloppy job Jim.
He said he dashed this proposal off in one sitting. It's pretty sloppy.
Whether it's national economics, family economics, or personal economics, it's not something where sloppy accounting is good enough.
This year's freshly inducted employees are, to a man, lacking in concentration, and their sloppy work leaves me speechless.
Edit your work better before you submit it, it's sloppy.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(sloppy) ocurre en conjuntos:

Zarządzanie - złe nowiny
character & personality
Human adjectives 13
eTutor słownictwo B2
Management 4

6. slipshod

She complained that the carpenter's work had been slipshod.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(slipshod) ocurre en conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "Reynolds" (Randall Davies)
Fiszki z książki - "Warlord of Kor" (Terry Gene Carr)
Fiszki z książki - "Lost in Translation" (Larry M....
Fiszki z książki - "The Spicy Sound of Success" (J...
Fiszki z książki - "How to Fail in Literature" (An...

7. tatty

tatty old jeans
Some of our textbooks are starting to look rather tatty.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(tatty) ocurre en conjuntos:

Unit 12 Generations

8. slob

a lazy slob, you're an ignorant slob
He's such a slob, he always wears dirty, crumpled clothes.
And how will Felix handle Oscar's slobbish lifestyle, his untidy apartment and his insistence that he ‘likes it just the way it is’.
Don't be such a slob! Take a shower! Comb your hair!
He's a big fat slob of a man - I can't stand him; He may seem like a slob at home, but he dresses quite professionally when he goes out, often wearing suits when he goes to work.
a working slob

9. scruffy clothes

Mark usually wears scruffy clothes.

10. sloppiest

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(sloppiest) ocurre en conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "The Rising of the Court" (Henr...
Fiszki z książki - "The Fun of Getting Thin" (Samu...
Fiszki z książki - "The Boy Scout Fire Fighters" (...

11. filthy

His hands were filthy.
He was always filthy and looked like he wasn't given enough food.
Look at this tablecloth - it's filthy!
filthy rich
I've never smoked - it's a filthy habit.
It was filthy. It took 3 hours to clean it.
Your habit of biting your nails is filthy.
People think that cockroaches are filthy animals.
What have you been doing? This shirt is filthy and this might not come off in washing.
She brushed the filthy hair back from her face and smiled
filthy clothes/car/room/hands
Your shoes are absolutely filthy
if something is filthy, it is extremely dirty
Everything still looked filthy.
Joe's idea for a new kind of car will make him filthy rich.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(filthy) ocurre en conjuntos:

angielski słówka

12. sloppier

Tony realized that if he hired another crew, got more customers and did the job quicker and sloppier, he could make more money.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(sloppier) ocurre en conjuntos:

Angielski smartphones
Słówka z Google Translator

13. shabby

Get rid of those shabby clothes and buy something new.
In the end, we ended up eating at that shabby restaurant.
The room was empty except for a shabby bed.
He is mixed up with something shabby.
Wisdom often exists under a shabby coat.
shabby clothes/furniture
He ​wore a shabby ​old ​overcoat.
She saw the shabby little house, but she didn't hurry by.
The hotel room where we stayed was shabby.
This costume is so shabby that 1'1/ have to throw it out.
He tried to apologize for his shabby treatment of her.
Ern slammed on the brakes and the Knight Bus skidded to a halt in front of a small and shabby-looking pub, the Leaky Cauldron
Some buildings here are old and bad condition - really shabby.
The second-hand sofa was a little shabby, but Nina thought she could refurbish it.
The small house had come to look shabby, though it was just as good as ever underneath.

Inglés palabraniechlujny"(shabby) ocurre en conjuntos:

E Dla Średnio Zaawansowanych 1 B1
kartkówka dom