el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

moneta inglés:

1. coin coin

Let’s toss a coin.
I searched in my pocket for a coin to make a phone call.
In order to make a phone call, I put my hand in my pocket and searched for a coin.
Right and wrong are two faces of the same coin. Whoever has the power decides which face gets what inscription.
She was looking miserable sitting in the middle of this snowstorm, so I threw a small coin at her.
But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.
If you float a one yen coin on water and move a magnet slowly towards it then the coin will approach the magnet.
The verb "to downdate" does not exist in the English lexicon, but let's go ahead and coin it anyway.
Instead of giving the money, that is the normal coin of the realm, which is the phrase that everyone used then, they would give them a token, and this token might be metal, might be wood, might be cardboard.
What these acts said was that it was illegal to pay someone in anything other than coin of the realm.
One side of a coin is called 'heads' and the other side is called 'tails'.
In Japan they’ve even coined a word for the problem; karoshi, or death by burnout.
Time is the coin of your life. You spend it. Do not allow others to spend it for you.
I didn’t have any coins and the shop had no change for a twenty-pound note.
Thanks to the periods of contact with foreign languages and its readiness to coin new words...

Inglés palabramoneta"(coin) ocurre en conjuntos:

Unit 7: Useful prases & Phrasal verbs
Money and Finance - pieniądze i finanse
ANG POWTÓRKI MATURALNE państwo i społeczeństwo
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2. piece piece

Before forks and chopsticks, people usually ate food with a piece of flat bread.
piece of cake
A piece of railway in use today is therefore the product of a long series of decisions reached on many different grounds, at different times.
My sister didn't own up to breaking the lamp, instead she made up some story about aliens coming to Earth with the objective of destroying every piece of yellow furniture.
You and David should totally learn that piece and play it at the talent show next year.
People ask me 'why would you want to cherish a piece of junk like that?' But this little beauty means the world to me.
He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.
Boston Dynamic's robot, RHex, is an amazing piece of work that can run over various terrains.
Yes, Dima replied, brushing off a piece of half-eaten fish that had gotten stuck to his right sleeve. "I'd like to buy that one there."
Yesterday, I found a tiny piece of land for sale in a quiet residential area and I immediately decided to buy it.
You're not a serious mathematician unless you crumple up a piece of paper in frustration every twenty minutes, look off into space, and appear to be questioning your very existence.
My grandfather had completed the wood work and my grandmother finished the piece with paint.
Every piece of reading matter calls for a different kind of reading.
A musician friend of mine gave an impromptu performance of a piece he had just finished composing.
John claimed that the dishonest salesman had tricked him into buying a useless piece of machinery.

Inglés palabramoneta"(piece) ocurre en conjuntos:

Gosia: Pass2 u9: 7. Other words
fiszki unit 9 2 3 kolumna
slowka angielski bank
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angielski 8/3