el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

lżejszy inglés:

1. lightest lightest

The wooden plates are lighter than the metal plates, but the paper plates are the lightest.

Inglés palabralżejszy"(lightest) ocurre en conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "My Knitting Book" (Miss Lambert)
Fiszki z książki - "My Crochet Sampler" (Miss Lamb...
Fiszki z książki - "Living Up to Billy" (Elizabeth...
Fiszki z książki - "Legends of Wailuku" (Charlotte...
Fiszki z książki - "Letters of the Motor Girl" (Et...

2. lighter

He felt in his pocket for his lighter.
He was playing with a lighter.
Women eat lighter meals when they're eating with a guy.
I put my lighter down somewhere and now I can't find it.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
It is getting lighter outside.
Do you have a lighter?
This lighter won't catch.
The wooden plates are lighter than the metal plates, but the paper plates are the lightest.
I offered him a double-flame lighter that I bought in the United States.
I searched high and low for my lighter but couldn't find it.
His lighter has done ten years' service.
Sir, you have left your lighter on the table.
Your phone can be plugged into the cigarette lighter socket in your car
Lend me a lighter.

Inglés palabralżejszy"(lighter) ocurre en conjuntos:

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