el diccionario polaco - inglés

język polski - English

Zdecydowany inglés:

1. Determined Determined

I am determined to put the plan into practice no matter what others may say.
I'm determined to succeed.
Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect.
A normal person might spend a lifetime at it and still not succeed but faced with a determined Ren it was not greatly different from a normal cylinder lock.
No sooner had I come into contact with him than I determined to get to know him well.
It then became necessary to settle the best route for the line to follow; and that was determined, in the first place, by the shape of the land it had to cross.
Knowing their languages is not enough to communicate effectively, because the methods of communication are determined by their cultures.
It's nobody's fault but yours. I'm determined to make you take the responsibility.
It was determined that the picking of one's nose is a completely normal act for adolescent boys.
Beauty cannot be determined objectively but depends on personal aesthetic criteria.
Eleanor though the daughter of a king and brought up in the greatest luxury determined to share misfortune with her husband.
Although Chemistry class was very difficult, some of the students were determined to succeed and refused to give up.
determined persistent, someone who doesn't give up on something easily
Businesses are culturally determined

Inglés palabraZdecydowany"(Determined) ocurre en conjuntos:

Just the Job 4.44--->4.48
Personality traits
just the job

2. decisive

Do you know anybody who is very decisive?
The result of the vote was very decisive: the Liberal candidate had won with a 75% majority.
decisive man
Are you a decisive person? Decide now!
Today's game will be a crucial battle; the result will be decisive.
Prime Minister, this is a decisive period in international politics.
I don't like going shopping with her because she is indecisive
The archers played a decisive part in the victory
Winston Churchill's decisive policies rallied the country round him at a difficult and dangerous time
A leader should be confident and decisive.
We must take decisive action to solve this problem.
Victor Horta had a decisive impact on architecture in Belgium.
The teacher went over the classroom rules in a clear and decisive manner.
Julia makes up her mind quickly. She’s very decisive.
The project was plagued by uncertainties from the very beginning, and the team could not draw any decisive conclusions.

Inglés palabraZdecydowany"(decisive) ocurre en conjuntos:

Kartkowka Angielski