el diccionario inglés - inglés

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restive inglés:

1. impatient impatient

He seems impatient.
The longer we waited, the more impatient we became.
An impatient person doesn't like to wait.
I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.
Some people became impatient when they had to wait
My doctor told me to lay off the liquor so I have this uneasy impatient feeling.
Before the horse race begins, the jockeys grip the reins tightly to restrain the impatient horses.
Well? the impatient shopkeeper asked, once Dima had ended the call. "Is everything all set now?"
An impatient driver forced his way through the crossing against the red light.
He's a good teacher, but inclined to be a bit impatient with slow learners.
they are impatient for change / she can be impatient with people who don’t see things her way
My boss gets very impatient when I don't finish work quickly enough.
At the theme park we were impatient to start going on the rides
1. Don't be so impatient, Jesse. / 2. You are so impatient, completely changed. / 3. Don't get so impatient, please.
There’s no point in being impatient. Everyone has to wait their turn.

2. restless restless

Never choose a new vocation just because you are restless.
I feel restless when I have to wait too long for my friend to show up.
She felt restless all day long.
He can never focus on anything. He’s so restless.
The children always get restless when we are travelling.
restless sleep
It was a restless afternoon.
In the greatest of all works of art everything had been realized, I could give nothing, and my restless mind tired of passive contemplation.
It's a great game for diverting restless kids on long car rides.
He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long.
When exrtoverts are in quiet environments, they’re prone to feeling bored and restless.
He had only been restless and uneasy because of her absence
someone who is restless does not like staying in the same place for long and is always looking for new things to do and new places to go to
restless - unable to sit still because you are bored or worried
I fell asleep? "Totally." "Really?" "You were very restless, did you have a scary dream?"

3. unable to be quiet and calm unable to be quiet and calm

4. unable to remain still unable to remain still