At the cinema - U kinu

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What do you think about the film?
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Što misliš o filmu?
Did you like the film?
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Sviđa li ti se film?
I didn't like the main character.
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Ne sviđa mi se glavni lik.
Would you like something to drink?
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Bi li htio nešto za popiti?
Is there anything good on at the cinema?
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Ima li što dobro u kinu?
I checked the cinema billboards and I saw a good film.
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Pogledao sam kino plakate i vidio dobar film.
It's a comedy/romantic film/a horror film.
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To je komedija/romantični film/horor film.
+13 tarjetas
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"Everyday phrases in Croatian"
(Total 515 tarjetas)

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