500 most important Norwegian vebs 301 - 325

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to iron
Only my mother knows how to iron linen shirts.
empezar lección
å stryke; stryker
Bare mora mi vet hvordan man skal stryke linskjorter.
to shock
What I saw shocked me.
empezar lección
å sjokkere; sjokkerer
Det jeg så, sjokkerte meg.
to swim
He can't swim.
empezar lección
å svømme; svømmer
Han kan ikke svømme.
to get pregnant
I got pregnant when I was 25.
empezar lección
å bli gravid; blir gravid
Jeg ble gravid da jeg var 25 år gammel.
to assist
Kasper assists his boss at work.
empezar lección
å assistere; assisterer
Kasper assisterer sjefen sin i arbeidet.
to earn
How much would you like to earn?
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å tjene; tjener
Hvor mye vil du tjene?
to repeat
Could you repeat, please?
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å gjenta; gjentar
Kan du gjenta?
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"Norwegian Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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